
Try out our project here: B∞KMark


99% of the people bookmark their favorite websites to have quick and easy access. But what if a person has a lot of favorite websites or websites they use frequently in their day-to-day life. It becomes a tedious job to search for the perfect bookmark in the big list. So here our project comes to your rescue.

What it does:

To rescue you from searching for the website or looking for the perfect bookmark, you can simply bookmark this one website and get easy access to the most used apps developed by Google.

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How we built it:

We built this using HTML5 and CSS3 and deployed it on Netlify.app

Challenges we ran into:

The biggest challenge we faced was that we had to make it look attractive and appealing without using animations to keep the website fast and simple.

Accomplishments that we're proud of:

We are proud that we were able to solve a real-world problem and build a project which can help many folks in their daily life.

What's next for B∞KMark:

In the future, we will be adding more apps to this website, also an individual can sign up and customize this website with their personal favorite websites.