A curated list of Telegram-related projects and pages in alphabetical order.
- cl-telegram-bot - Common Lisp
- cycle-telegram - Cycle.js driver
- etelegram - Erlang
- haskell-telegram-api - Haskell
- libtelegram - C++
- morse - Clojure
- node-telegram-bot-api - NodeJS
- python-telegram-bot - Python
- Telebot - Scheme
- telegram-bot-ruby - Ruby
- TelegramBots - Java
- TelegraML - OCaml
- x86_64-asm-tgbot - x86_64 assembly language
- Kotlogram - Kotlin
- MadelineProto - PHP
- telegram-cli - C with Lua and Python support
- telegram-mtproto - JavaScript
- telegram-purple - libpurple protocol plugin
- Telethon - Python
- TL-Elixir - Elixir
- Vail - Rust
- Telegram Desktop (Source)
- Telegram for Android (Source)
- Telegram for iOS (Source)
- Webogram (Source) - Web client
- Cutegram
- telegram-cli - Command-line client
- TReact - ReactJS frontend
- Unigram - Telegram for the Windows 10 platform
- Bot API Schema - Bot API schema
- TL-Schema - TL MTProto schema