
A simple forward render pipeline for graphics study.

Primary LanguageC#

Knowing issues :
1.You should click the Override Post FX toggle in the Melody Render Pipeline component of the camera when first going into the scene. 2.Forward or Deferred Lit should be rendered with Option "Copy Depth" or "Use GBuffer" on and never run parallel.

Feature include :
1.Base forward rendering path pipeline
2.Cascade shadow map
3.Directional light/Per object point light
4.Geometry buffer
5.Velocity buffer
6.Simple PBR
7.Complex toon shading
8.Post-processing stack: Bloom,color grading,outline,lightshift
9.Volumetric cloud
10.Atmosphere scattering
11.Screen-space ambient occlusion:SSAO,HBAO,GTAO
12.Screen-space Reflection:SSR,SSSR
13.Screen-space Global Illumination
14.Temporal Antialiasing
15.Physical Camera: Depth of Field,Auto Exposure,Lens Falre
16.FFT Ocean
17.Compute shader grass

Please let me know if you find bug in this project.

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Image text
Image text
Image text