make serve
Visit http://localhost:1313
to create a release copy of development
make release version=v1.2.3
The new version should appear in the site and be the default.
There is a tool, ./hack/crd.rb
designed to autogenerate CRD documentation based off the content of our Go doc-comments
in /cartographer/pkg/apis
Check out cartographer locally, as a sibling of
. -
Ensure cartographer crd's are generated:
cd /path/to/cartographer
git co <revision you want to gen docs from>
make gen-manifests
- Generate the site CRD reference:
cd /path/to/cartographer-site
make gen-crd-reference
- review the changes to files in
- Custom edits will be removed, so look for delta's that represent developer edits and roll those line's back
Note: the files in ./hack/crds
contain configuration for which fields to replace or ignore.