
Automatically Revert and Receive Notifications About Changes to Your Amazon VPC Security Groups

Primary LanguagePython

Serverless Security Group Sentry

If one of your staff members (inadvertently | mischievously) modifies your VPC security group to allow SSH access to the world, you want the change to be automatically reverted and then receive a notification that the change to the security group was automatically reverted.

Automatically Revert and Receive Notifications About Changes to Your Amazon VPC Security Groups

Here is how the process works,

  1. Someone adds a new ingress rule to any security group
  2. A CloudWatch event that continually monitors changes to your security groups detects the new ingress rule and invokes Lambda function
  3. Lambda function determines whether you are monitoring this security group
    1. Reverts the new security group ingress rule.
    2. Optionally: Sends you an SNS Notification email to let you know what the change was, who made it, and that the change was reverted


We will need the following pre-requisites to successfully complete this activity,

  • AWS CloudTrail must be enabled in the AWS Region where the solution is deployed
  • IAM Role - i.e Lambda Service Role - with EC2FullAccess permissions
    • You may use an Inline policy with more restrictive permissions

The image above shows the execution order, that should not be confused with the numbering of steps given here

Step 1 - Configure Lambda Function- SG-Sentry-Bot

The below script is written in Python 2.7. Remember to choose the same in AWS Lambda Functions.

Change the global variables at the top of the script to suit your needs.

Environment variables:
slack_channel = os.environ['slack_channel']
slack_hook_url = os.environ['slack_hook_url']

After pasting the code, Scroll down to create a environment variable Key as security_group_id and Value as the Security Group ID that we need to monitor. Save the lambda function

Step 2 - Configure Lambda Triggers

We are going to use Cloudwatch Events that will be triggered by CloudTrail API

  1. Choose Create a new Rule
  2. Fill the Rule Name & Rule Description
  3. For Rule Type - Choose Event pattern
    1. Below that, Choose EC2 Service
    2. In the next field, Choose AWS API call via CloudTrail
  4. Check the Operation box,
    1. In below field, Type/Choose both AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress & AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress
  5. Enable Trigger by Checking the box
  6. Click on Add and Save the Lambda Function

Step 3 - Testing the solution

Navigate to the EC2 console and choose Security Groups and Choose the security group that we are monitoring. Add a new Inbound rule, for example SSH on port 22 from

Adding this rule creates an EC2 AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress service event, which triggers the Lambda function.

After a few moments, choose the refresh button ( The "refresh" icon ) to see that the new ingress rule that you just created has been retrict to the specific IP(IPv6 is google DNS) by the solution.


Restrict/revert security change and add description for it then send notification to Slack.