
Dataset of lynx.pink/is-my-twitter-slow-or-what measurements

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0

Russia Twitter Throttle Dataset

License: CC BY 4.0

This is a dataset of a measurements collected from https://lynx.pink/is-my-twitter-slow-or-what

License and required attribution

This dataset is licensed under CC BY 4.0. This permits anyone to copy, redistribute, remix, transmit and adapt the work provided the original work and source is appropriately cited.

Citation example (markdown):

"[Russia Twitter Throttle Dataset](https://github.com/4ndv/russia-twitter-throttle)" by [Andrey Viktorov](https://lynx.pink) and [Leonid Evdokimov](https://darkk.net.ru) is licensed under a [CC BY 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).

Parts of this dataset contains information, gathered from CAIDA UCSD datasets, which also requires attribution:

The CAIDA UCSD [DataSet Name] - [dates used],

The used datasets are:

Data structure

For each month there is a folder in data/, in the format of YYYY-MM. Each folder contains a separate csv file for each day of the month (for example, data/2021-04/01.csv is an April 1st, 2021) with such fields:

datetime_rounded - measurement timestamp in UTC, rounded down to the 5-minute intervals

anonymized_ip - IP address of the measuring user. For ipv4 there is a last octet stripped, for ipv6 there is last 80 bits stripped (done via ip_anonymizer ruby gem)

subnet - IP subnet, gathered from CAIDA UCSD dataset

asn - Autonomous System Number, gathered from CAIDA UCSD dataset

as_country - AS Country, gathered from CAIDA UCSD dataset

as_organization - AS Organization Name, gathered from CAIDA UCSD dataset

as_organization_iden - AS Organization identifier, gathered from CAIDA UCSD dataset

version - Measurement version, which differs by servers used for "control" and "control taco" test results.

test_result - Download speed in kbps from abs.twimg.com

control_result - Download speed in kbps from a control non-throttled server, to filter out any users with the slow internet connection

control_taco_result - Download speed in kbps from a control server, which domain contains t.co part. For some time RKN in Russia throttled all the domains which contained t.co at some place, like githubusercontent.com

Rows are ordered by datetime_rounded ASC, anonymized_ip ASC, test_result ASC

Fell free to ask any questions via Github Issues!