
Singel class java code for A terminal Calculator for java Bigners

Primary LanguageJava

# java-Core-Applications [info]
Singel class java code for A terminal Applications for java Bigners

#Calculator Version 0.1
Version 0.1 of claculator support only one operation at one time to perform another operation 
you need to run the application again

#Calculator Version 0.2
VErsion 0.2 of claculator unlike version 0.1 loops and asks user to perform another operation
until user saya it to stop by typing "/q" when it asks

#io7 Version 0.1
Version 0.1 of io7 if capabel of copying 1 file at a time using sdk java 1.7 or grater versions and doesn,t stop until user asks it to

open terminal/Command prompt locate to the folder where your "#claculator#.jar" file is located using "cd" command
and type (java -jar #Calculator#.jar) replace #calculator# with your file name

#[feel free to edit and use the application in any means you want to]