- 2
Search by India in LM showed NO LOCATION FOUND
#56 opened by Blade365z - 4
Changing sensitive hashtags to communal hashtags
#48 opened by 4nuragk - 0
Map Legend to be modified
#55 opened by Blade365z - 0
Tweet time and 10sec store is too much far
#36 opened by 4nuragk - 0
Proxy error on big range
#35 opened by 4nuragk - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
In LM, "auto refresh" is not working properly.
#32 opened by 4nuragk - 0
- 0
- 0
Home tab may be written as "About".
#28 opened by 4nuragk - 0
Code cleaning is needed
#26 opened by 4nuragk - 0
click on any hashtag, all modules refreshed including trending/sesitive/security
#29 opened by 4nuragk - 0
Need title as query on top of Analysis Div in HA
#23 opened by 4nuragk - 0
Trend Analysis need optimzation
#24 opened by 4nuragk - 0
In NA, generation need optimization
#25 opened by 4nuragk - 2
advance search, on remove row form "status table"
#14 opened by 4nuragk - 0
Advance search disply takes more time
#19 opened by 4nuragk - 1
- 0
Map in Historical Analysis showing undesired result
#50 opened by Blade365z - 0
User Analysis Map not working
#51 opened by Blade365z - 0
#37 opened by Blade365z - 0
#38 opened by Blade365z - 1
#40 opened by Blade365z - 0
CoHashtag doesnot shows up
#41 opened by Blade365z - 0
- 0
Location Monitor Optimization Required
#52 opened by Blade365z - 1
Plotting full network in the view-port
#54 opened by kalikho - 1
#39 opened by Blade365z - 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
In Network Analysis: Query Box in the Generation Panel gets displaced due to query suggestion (sometimes)
#42 opened by kalikho - 1
In Network Analysis: When opening the network analysis page the analysis panel also appears for sometimes.
#43 opened by kalikho - 1
- 1
- 1
sorting required before display into chart
#18 opened by 4nuragk - 1
QT should be in readable form
#21 opened by 4nuragk - 1
tweets are not synchronized in (normal search)
#17 opened by 4nuragk - 1
what should be written for last hour (24 hr
#16 opened by 4nuragk - 1
Implementation of Direct Queries for COVID-19
#15 opened by 4nuragk - 1
selected sentiment was not preserved
#13 opened by 4nuragk - 1
- 1
Current day info in Advanced search
#11 opened by 4nuragk - 1
Analysis on the topic COVID-19
#10 opened by 4nuragk - 1
search box bar goes down
#9 opened by 4nuragk - 1
pagination ID
#8 opened by 4nuragk - 1
Not showing the current hour
#7 opened by 4nuragk