Data Structures Explained

Welcome to the Data Structures Explained repository! 🚀

What is this repository for? 🤔

This repository aims to help individuals like you grasp the concepts of different data structures used in computer science and programming. Whether you are a beginner or looking to refresh your knowledge, you will find explanations and examples here to aid your learning.

Contents 📚

In this repository, you will find explanations for the following data structures:

  1. Linked List: An introduction to linked lists and their types (singly, doubly, circular), along with code examples. 📝
  2. Stack: Understanding the stack data structure, its operations (push, pop), and implementation using arrays and linked lists. 📝
  3. Queue: Explanation of queues, their operations (enqueue, dequeue), and implementation using arrays and linked lists. 📝
  4. Binary Tree: An overview of binary trees, traversal techniques (in-order, pre-order, post-order), and sample code. 📝
  5. Graph: Understanding graphs and their representations (adjacency matrix, adjacency list) with practical examples. 📝

Contributing 🤝

Contributions are welcome! If you would like to add more data structures, improve existing explanations, or fix any mistakes, please feel free to open a pull request. Let's learn together and create a valuable resource for others in the programming community. ❤️

License 📜

This repository is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use the content, modify it, or share it, but kindly attribute the original work to this repository.

Happy learning! 😄