
Teku is the Ethereum 2.0 client empowering businesses to stake on the next evolution of the Ethereum network.

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Teku Client - Docker

This projects builds a customized version of the Teku client with Gnosischain modifications. Those include the integrations with different testnets.

Images are referenced under the following pattern gnosischain/{client_provider}-{node_type}:{upstream_version}-{testnet} for example

docker pull gnosischain/teku:latest-chiado

Teku reference:

Starting Teku in Chiado testnet

  1. Add an .env file with your fee recepient and graffiti
  1. Add your keystores in ./validator-data and their password in a files with the same name to get this file structure:
├── docker-compose.yml
├── .env
├── jwtsecret
└── validator-data
    ├── keys
    │   └── keystore-001.json
    └── secrets
        └── keystore-001.txt
  1. Create a new ./jwtsecret token
echo -n 0x$(openssl rand -hex 32 | tr -d "\n") > ./jwtsecret
  1. Start docker-compose.yml services from this repository
docker-compose up -d