
this webapp will help the college to do Opencourse allotement in much easier way

Primary LanguagePython

🏫 OpenCourse Management Webapp

OpenCourse is a programme in our college where students of other deparments are given an oppertunity to learn courses out of their majors. The courses will be provided by other deparments of the college. The allotement of students to the courses is managed by this Webapp

📸 Screenshots

alt text Login Page

🕹️ Tech Stack

  • Client: React
  • Server: Django
  • Database: MySql

🚀 Deployment

To deploy this project both frontend and backend locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/H4K3R13/opencourse-webapp.git
  cd opencourse-webapp
  • opencourse-webapp
    • backend-script
    • open-frontend
    • openBackend

🧪 Run Frontend Locally

After changing directory to root folder

  cd open-frontend

Install dependencies


Start the server

  yarn run dev

🧪 Run Backend Locally

After changing directory to root folder

  cd openBackend

Install modules

  pip3  install -r requirements.txt 

Start the server

  python3 manage.py runserver

🥧 API Reference

Handle submission of student

  POST api/submit/

Playload Example

    "courseList": [
        ["Course1", 1],
        ["Course2", 2],
        ["Course3", 3],
        ["Course4", 4],
        ["Course5", 5]


  POST /api/login/

Payload Example

        "username": "REGISTER_NUMBER",
        "password": "DATE_OF_BIRTH",  

Passwords are set by default.

Fetches details of a student

  GET api/details/?regno=REGISTER_NUMBER

Delete A Submission

  DELETE /api/delete

Payload Example


Fetches Number Of Seats

  GET /openApi/api/seats

Fetches Submission Details

  GET /api/submissions

🛺 Automation Scripts

backend-scipt/auto_data_entry.py  # Auto data entries

python3 manage.py create_user # Creates user

python3 manage.py delete_user # Deletes the user