
Primary LanguagePython



You have switched to a branch and your app is now down because your database has data of another branch ? If your project use docker compose, aki can help you by managing volume and mount the correct volume on your container.

Aki can list, switch, copy and remove all volume link to your project. Aki is a simple script that manage volumes by modifying docker compose variable for switch volume.



An image ghcr.io/4sh/aki:latest is available.

The only requirement is access to your docker daemon, for that you need to mount /var/run/docker.sock in the container. You also need to mount the docker-compose folder with the same path as your system, e.g. if docker-compose.yaml is in /project/docker-compose.yaml then it must be /project/docker-compose.yaml in the container.

docker run --rm --interactive \
    --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    --volume /path/to/aki:/path/to/aki ghcr.io/4sh/aki:latest


A python package is also available, aki is compatible and tested with Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11 and 3.12.

You can install aki with pipx:

pipx install https://github.com/4sh/aki/releases/download/v0.10.6/aki-0.10.6-py3-none-any.whl

Docker or Python ?

If you are (and your coworkers) on Linux you can use either the docker or the python version. The docker version can be better as you do not have to care about python in your system, plus you can enforce aki version by specify precisely the image you want for you and your coworkers.

On macOS, it can be a little more difficult due to how docker function.

The project use "in docker" volume

You can use either the docker or the python version but be careful of docker VM disk space. You can check it in Docker Desktop > Settings > Resources > Disk image size.

The project use mount folder

Docker have poor IO performances for mounted volumes on macOS so command like "aki cp" will be really slow with the docker version. The python version in the other hand will not suffer from IO poor performance.

If the volume size is tiny(< 1G) then it might be okay to use the docker version but prefer the python version or consider a switch to the "in docker" volume.


aki --help
usage: aki [-h] [--volume VOLUME] [--file FILE] [--verbose] {ls,use,cp,rm,version} ...

positional arguments:
    ls                  list existing volumes. Volume used are print in red.
    use                 restart containers with the volume pass in parameter
    cp                  copy volume source to dest
    rm                  remove volume
    version             print aki version

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --volume VOLUME, -v VOLUME
                        filter volumes
  --file FILE, -f FILE  configuration file


aki ls print volume link to your project:

In green aki show volume actually used by the container. Aki use two symbols:

  • ✔ mean the volume exist
  • x mean the volume does not exist

You can pass a parameter for filter volumes with a regex, --reverse-match/-r reverse the pattern :

You can print docker volume name or path with --long-name/-l option:


Switch to the volume pass in parameter:


Copy the volume from another:

cp can take 3 arguments:

  • --override-existing: if destination volume exist, remove it and then copy
  • --switch-to-copy: after copy, switch to the volume
  • --no-switch-to-copy: do not ask if you want to switch to the volume and keep the actual one


Remove one or more volumes:

--regexp/-e allow to pass regex patten as volume name, --reverse-match/-r reverse it. If --regexp/-e is used, aki print out the volumes to be deleted and requests confirmation :

Of course current volume cannot be removed.

Add aki to a project

A sample is available in ./sample

docker compose

Before describing aki configuration, you must edit your docker-compose file for add variable on your volume, see docker env variables documentation.

"in docker" volume

Add a variable at the end of your volume name, for example this:

name: aki_sample
    image: postgres
    container_name: aki_sample_postgres
      - aki_sample_postgres_db:/var/lib/postgresql/data


name: aki_sample
    image: postgres
    container_name: aki_sample_postgres
      - postgres_volume:/var/lib/postgresql/data

    name:  aki_sample_postgres_db
    driver: local

can be change to this:

name: aki_sample
    image: postgres
    container_name: aki_sample_postgres
      - postgres_volume:/var/lib/postgresql/data

    name:  aki_sample_postgres_${AKI_SAMPLE_POSTGRES_VOLUME_NAME:-db}
    driver: local

The variable AKI_SAMPLE_POSTGRES_VOLUME_NAME will be replaced by aki, if your coworker does not use aki they will continue to use aki_sample_postgres_db volume.

Mount folder

Add a variable in your folder path, for example this:

name: aki_sample
  image: mongo
  container_name: aki_sample_mongo
    - ./mongo/db:/data/db

can be change to this:

name: aki_sample
    image: mongo
    container_name: aki_sample_mongo
      - ./mongo/${AKI_SAMPLE_MONGO_VOLUME_NAME:-db}:/data/db

The variable AKI_SAMPLE_MONGO_VOLUME_NAME will be replaced by aki, if your coworker does not use aki they will continue to use ./mongo/db.

create the .env file

A docker env file must exist. Create an empty .env file in the same folder of docker-compose. The .env file contains the value of docker env:


aki configuration file

Aki load an aki.yaml or aki.yml that contains aki configuration. Aki need to known the containers and volumes he will manage, your docker-compose file location, … (see sample)

var description default example
docker_compose.path array of docker compose path, relative path are resolve from aki parent folder ['./docker-compose.yaml'] ['./docker-compose.yaml', './docker-compose.override.yaml']
docker_compose.env path of docker .env file './.env' '/path/to/aki.env'
docker_compose.cli_version tell aki to use docker compose command (docker compose v2) or docker-compose command (docker compose v1) 2 1
aki.volumes.name.type host if you use mount volume, docker if you use in docker volume
aki.volumes.name.container_name name of the container that use the volume aki_sample_mongo
aki.volumes.name.env The volume variable in the docker compose file AKI_SAMPLE_MONGO_VOLUME_NAME
aki.volumes.name.exclude array of volumes names that must be ignore by aki. [] ['share', 'foo']
aki.volumes.name.folder host type only, folder that contains your volumes ./mongo
aki.volumes.name.prefix docker type only, prefix of your volume name aki_sample_postgres_
aki.use.not_found aki actions to trigger when the user ask for a non existent volume. This contain an object regex and actions
aki.use.not_found.regex aki will trigger the action in this object if non existent volume name match the regex
aki.use.not_found.actions array of actions (see below)


Actions are an object that trigger aki command, this is used for tell aki what to do when use a non-existent volume. There is 5 types (attribute action) :

  • copy: copy the volume to the non-existent volume and switch on it
  • use: switch to the volume over the non-existent volume
  • remove: remove a volume
  • error: throw an exception with a custom message
  • py: execute python code, the code must return an action (dictionary form)

cp only take a source param that will be use for copy to the non-existent volume:

- action: copy
  source: dev

On py action you must pass the destination attribute.

A special variable _current allow you to copy your current volume:

- action: copy
  source: _current

By default, copy will affect all volume types (mongo and postgres in the sample). You can specify volume types with the types property, which is useful if you want to copy volume types from different sources. This example copy the mongo volume from current one, but the postgres volume is copy from dev:

- action: copy
  source: _current
    - mongo
- action: copy
  source: dev
    - postgres

use take the volume attribute, it's the volume name to switch:

- action: use
  volume_name: dev

By default, like copy, use will affect all volume types (mongo and postgres in the sample). You can specify volume types with the types property :

- action: use
  volume_name: dev
    - mongo
- action: copy
  volume_name: test
    - postgres

remove take an array of volumes to delete:

- action: remove
    - dev
    - foo

By default, like copy, use will affect all volume types (mongo and postgres in the sample). You can specify volume types with the types property :

- action: rm
    - dev
    - foo
    - mongo
- action: copy
    - test
    - foo
    - postgres

error take an optional message to print. Throw an error force aki to exit with a shell code of 1:

- action: error
  message: Volume not found, use volume 'dev' instead

py is an action that execute python code for fetch actions. It's useful for create action that could not be represented in a yaml file.

py take:

  • file: path to python file to execute
  • function: function name to execute

aki will pass 3 parameters to the function:

  • volume_name (non-existent)
  • volumes_by_types (Dict[str, List[Volume]]): a dict of existing volumes by volume type
  • volumes_used (Dict[str, Volume]): a dict volume actually used by the container

This function must return an action or an array of action on the dictionary form.


- action: py
  file: /path/to/file.py
  function: not_found

This will execute not_found fn:

def not_found(volume_name: str, volumes_by_types: Dict, volumes_used: Dict) -> Union[Dict | List[Dict]]:
    if 'dev' in volume_name:
        return {'action': 'copy', 'source': 'dev', 'destination': volume_name}
        return [{'action': 'use', 'volume': 'dev'}, {'action': 'error'}]
      - volume_name: ^dev-.+
          - action: copy
            source: dev
      - volume_name: ^pr-.+
          - action: copy
            source: _current
      - actions:
        - action: use
          volume: dev
        - action: error
          message: Volume not found, use volume 'dev' instead

The regex filter the action. E.g:

  • If the asked volume is dev-x, aki will copy the dev volume to the dev-x and switch
  • If the asked volume is pr-x, aki will copy the current volume and switch
  • If the asked volume is x, aki switch to dev volume and throw an error

git post checkout

A good way for use aki is to call it in a post-checkout hook that pass current branch name to the volume name. The post-checkout method ensure a volume switch after a checkout:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

branch="$(git branch --show-current)"

if [ -z "$branch" ]
    echo "branch is empty"
    echo "Starting aki to branch '$branch'"
    aki --file "docker-compose/aki.yml" use "$(git branch --show-current)"

If you go that way ensure to fill aki.use.not_found actions. The script check for empty branch has it can be trigger by docker on other action like rebase with an empty branch.


The folder sample contain everything needed for a project :


A simple docker-compose.yaml with variables for volume name. Mongo use a mount folder as a volume, postgres use a docker volume.


An aki.yaml that describe those variables to aki. It allow a copy to a non-existent volume if the new volume name start with dev-.


A script for use aki with sample project configuration from any directory. It uses aki command if present or fallback to docker, the aim is to manage a team that uses both methods.

You can link this file into ~/.local/bin/:

ln -s /path/to/sample-aki.sh ~/.local/bin/sample-aki

Then you can type sample-aki from any directory.


A git post-checkout file for command aki to use current branch as a volume. You just need to tell git to use .git-hooks folder :

git config core.hooksPath .git-hooks

How to use

To start the sample with aki we need to create a .env file and start docker compose (for create default volume) :

touch .env
docker compose up -d

Then copy db volume to dev :

aki cp db dev