AIUSA ENgrid Multistep Lightbox

This project makes it easy to create links to your Engaging Networks Donation Page as a lightbox with multiple steps.

How to use

  1. Add the script below to the page:
  1. The script will look for the data-donation-lightbox attribute on every a tag and make it open as a lightbox, with the options below.


Every option can be set as a data attribute on the a tag, or as a JavaScript object.


  • image - Main Image of the Lightbox.
  • logo - Logo Image Used on the center of the Lightbox. On mobile, it will be scaled down and moved to the top.
  • title - Title of the Lightbox.
  • paragraph - Content of the Lightbox.
  • bg_color - HEX color of the left column background.
  • text_color - HEX color of the left column text.
  • form_color - HEX color for the form theme.
  • footer - Content of the footer.
  • url - URL of the donation page - use this option if you want the lightbox to automatically open when the page loads.
  • cookie_hours - Number of hours to not auto open the lightbox after the user closes it.

Because the page can have multiple lightbox links, you can share options between them by creating a DonationLightboxOptions object. Example:

DonationLightboxOptions = {
  logo: "https://............",
  footer: "This is my Footer text.",

On the example above, the logo and footer will be used for all links.

Example of Link Without Lightbox:

<a href="">Give Now</a>

Example of Link With Lightbox:

  data-title="My Title Test"
  data-paragraph="My paragraph test"
  >Give Now

IMPORTANT: This project only works with the Engaging Networks Pages using the engrid theme or a client fork of ENgrid.


Your js code must be on the src/app folder. Styling changes must be on src/scss.

Install Dependencies

  1. npm install


  1. npm run build - Builds the project
  2. npm run watch - Watch for changes and rebuilds the project

It's going to create a dist folder, where you can get the donation-lightbox-parent.js file and publish it.

Currently it's published on: