This is a golang port of the old perl-based site.
- Still allows the same lookups.
- Still has rate-limiting.
Assuming you have a working go-setup you can update & install the project via these two commands:
$ go get -u
$ go install
If you don't have a golang environment configured you should be able to download a binary release from the github project.
The server has support for rate-limiting, you can enable this by passing the address of a redis server to the binary:
$ dns-api-go -redis-server localhost:6379
If this flag is not present then rate-limiting will be disabled. If a client
makes too many requests they will be returned a HTTP 429 status-code. Each request made will return a series of headers
prefixed with X-RateLimit
to allow clients to see how many requests they
have made, and have remaining.
If you have a graphite-host you can point the environmental-variable METRICS
at it. This will then receive metrics:
- Counts of DNS-queries by type.
- Count of success/failure responses.
- System-metrics.
- via golang-metrics
If you've cloned this repository you'll notice there is an existing Dockerfile which can be used to build a container. Create your image like so:
skx@frodo ~/go/src/ $ docker build -t dns-api:latest .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 301.1kB
Step 1/10 : FROM alpine
latest: Pulling from library/alpine
Step 10/10 : ENTRYPOINT ["/root/dns-api-go", "-host","" , "-port 3001" ]
Successfully built
Once you have your container you can launch it like so:
$ docker run -d -p 9999:9999/tcp dns-api:latest
And test it via:
$ curl http://localhost:9999/txt/
Deploying with a redis image too, to allow rate-limiting, is left as an exercise.
Get into the cloned git repository ($GOPATH/src/ and run:
$ heroku create
$ git push heroku master
- The main page dynamically includes the domain-name under which it was reached, so we can deploy it automatically even on other sites.
- PTR (reverse-DNS) requests must be submitted in reverse-format, for example:
If you alter the template-files beneath data/
you will need to rebuild the static.go
file before those changes will become visible. (i.e. They are pre-processed and included inline in our generated binary, rather than being read at run-time.)
First of all install the implant
tool if you don't already have it:
$ go get -u
$ go install
Now you can regenerate the static.go file:
$ implant -input data/ -output static.go
And rebuild the main binary:
$ go build .