- 1
Privacy Manifest
#67 opened by DmitryShapovalov - 0
Crash app when use SPM 1.8.4
#65 opened by jimmyluong - 2
No access to the CountryPicker using SPM
#62 opened by DmitryShapovalov - 1
SPM - Failed to resolve dependencies
#57 opened by ryancrunchi - 8
Wrong result when tapping on already selected row
#38 opened by IPv6 - 0
Language Code Missing
#54 opened by zewetir-m - 0
#51 opened by hamedaakhlaghi - 1
Countries order
#36 opened by kovalskyy - 2
carthage access
#49 opened by abhishekbinniwale - 1
[!] Unable to read the license file `LICENSE` for the spec `CountryPickerSwift (1.8.0)`
#50 opened by pacu - 1
picking and click bug
#46 opened by zezeron - 1
diffrent language
#44 opened by AhmedSamir213 - 1
(SWIFT_VERSION) build setting must be set to a supported value for targets which use Swift
#45 opened by kgellci - 3
Crash while building release version
#41 opened by yulian948 - 3
Question Marks are displaying
#21 opened by nAkhmedov - 0
- 3
Problem When installing
#33 opened by cs4alhaider - 1
Value of type 'CountryPicker' has no member 'displayOnlyCountriesWithCodes' ISSUE
#28 opened by krishcdbry - 2
Load Bundle Crash
#27 opened by NTFLeo - 1
incorrect name for Iran
#26 opened by adli - 2
Objective-c compatibility
#22 opened by CavalcanteLeo - 1
- 1
Incorect Kkazakhstan country code
#20 opened by moon4ik - 1
#17 opened by MaeseppTarvo - 1
When scrolling I get the following error
#7 opened by TanelTeemusk - 1
Initial create is very slow
#12 opened by patreu22 - 1
Could not load the "se" image referenced from a nib in the bundle with identifier "org.cocoapods.CountryPicker"
#15 opened by DesmondDAI