Build Versioning
This extension provides a build task to calculate or aquire the build version and to apply the version on several artifacts. Please add this task at the beginning of your build definition.
Quick steps to get started
- Define the version source and main versioning patterns in the general section.
- Choose the version source
- Build Number - Get the version from the current build number (by using macros).
- Variable - Use a dedicated variable which contains the version information
- GitVersion - Run (and install) GitVersion and use the calculated version information
- More to come - Please provide your ideas and requirements at BuildVersioning Issues
- Choose the version source
- Define the assembly version pattern and build number format
2. Define how to apply the version information to artifacts. Currently supported:
- .NET Assembly Version
- Nuspec
- Npm
- .NET Core
- Android (Xamarin)
- iOS (Xamarin)
- More to come - Please provide your ideas and requirements at BuildVersioning Issues
Known issue(s)
- This extension is currently in preview (beta).
- Installer Url for GitVersion installation does not support redirects (Open Issue at VSTS Task Tool Lib). Please provide a URL without redirection.
- Installer Url has to contain the version information in the ZIP file.
Learn More
Please visit Build Versioning.
Minimum supported environments
- Minimum agent version: 2.123.0
- Add a review below.
- Create an issue at BuildVersioning Issues