
Support latest gitversion

Closed this issue · 3 comments

As far as I can tell, the major differences are:

  • gitversion now runs on netcoreapp3.1 (probably net5 soon)
  • gitversion executable name has been changed from GitVersion.exe to gitversion.exe
knoxi commented

@NecatiMeral, have a look at the latest version of BuildVersioning.
We are now supporting the latest version of GitVersion for Windows and Linux agents.

Thanks for the head up. I've already noticed that our devops instance updated the extension (and broke our builds 😄 ).
I had to manually add the UseDotnet task with runtime 2.1.0 to make the versioning task work again. Added it to a template and got rid of the issue. I'll check this out as soon as I can.

EDIT: Are there any changelogs available for this task?

Issue is resolved. Latest gitversion can used properly (just make sure you install NET5.0 runtime first):

- task: UseDotNet@2
  displayName: 'Install Dependencies'
    packageType: 'runtime'
    version: '5.x'
- task: BuildVersioning@0
  displayName: 'Build Versioning'
    doInstallGitVersion: true
    GitVersionInstallerVersion: '5.6.6'
    doUseLatestGitVersionInstallerVersion: false