11th place solution for APTOS 2019 Blindness Detection on Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/c/aptos2019-blindness-detection).
- akhanssKim Jaechul Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence, KAIST
- AlxZed
- aprilaugust
- ArunkumarRamananAI Founder @Deep-Brainz & Stealth AI Labs
- atwineAfrica Centers of Excellence in Bioinformatics and Data Intensive Sciences
- avinanandIIIT Delhi
- BonsenBaidu
- darcwader
- dayeren
- Diyago
- eshoyuanColumbia University
- HJNCarol
- jiangxiaoshuaiya
- kanatmg
- koukoulv34
- laserboxTencent
- mashiromio
- mv-lab@h2oai @sony
- RetinalSWGuildford
- ruoyuryc
- satadru5
- sh-aidevBangalore
- ShibuyaSyogo
- sourcecode369Samsung R&D Institute, Delhi
- stardjMindRank.ai
- tangletit
- tanyapohn
- tatsu123
- TheStoneMXhttps://genai-solutions.es/
- vuongtuananh4597
- waylongoUniversity of Missouri
- wuyuanhang94
- YousefRabi
- yuandongbo123CHAINA
- ziwh
- zlannnn