Last Update: 2016 12 15
Scripts to facilitate transposable elements consensus sequences curation
Blastx the (consensus) sequences against a database that can be defined, unless remote blast is used.
(if -remote is chosen, the default database is refseq_mrna)
Then the sequences are filtered out from the input file if they correspond to unclassified TEs
(no class/family defined, or the class or family are "unclass" or "unknown")
perl <> -i <fa> [-b <blast-path>] [-e <XX>] [-forceB <X>] [-remote]
perl <> -i <fa> [-b <blast-path>] [-e <XX>] [-forceB <X>] [-db <fa>] [-dbt <XX>] [-bt <XX>]
-i <fa> => fasta file
-blast <path> => path = localisation of ncbi blast software
if no path provided, path = /home/software/ncbi-blast-2.2.25+
-e <XX> => XX = threshold, evalue (default = 10-10). It sets the minimum evalue to eliminate a sequence.
-forceB => set x to chose how to behave if previous <fa>.blast.out exists
x = 0 (default), chose this to avoid redoing the blast if <fa>.blast.out file already exists
x = 1, chose this to save existing <fa>.blast.out (renamed), but still rerun blast
x = 2, chose this to delete the pre-existing <fa>.blast.out file (therefore blast will be redone)
-remote => use the -remote option of blast if you don't have the -db. This takes a while.
-db <fa> => database to blast against [not relevant if -remote]
-dbt <XX> => dbtype option of makeblastdb [default = nucl] [not relevant if -remote]
-bt <XX> => blast type [default = tblastx] [not relevant if -remote]
- Blast software
- Bioperl
This script uses Repeat Masker to mask low complexity / simple repeats of the input fasta file
(for example, RepeatScout output)
It eliminates the ones that are more than XX% masked (-p option)
2 fasta outputs: retained sequences and rejected sequences
perl <> -i <fa> [-r <RMpath>] [-p <XX>
-i <fa> => fasta file
-r <path> => path = localisation of repeat masker software
if no path provided, path = /home/software/RepeatMasker
-p <XX> => XX = threshold, in % (default = 80%). It sets the minimum low complexity masked % required to eliminate the sequence
- Repeat Masker software, crossmatch engine
- Bioperl (Bio::DB::Fasta, Bio::SeqIO)
This script facilitates merging two consensus libraries
- mask a with b (and b with a just to have access to it in case if needed)
- parses the masking outputs to evaluate overlaps
- make choices and flag sequences to keep or not. Note that all info are printed in an output,
to facilitate manual verification (advised)
perl <> -a <seqs_1.fa> -b <seqs_2.fa> [-p <x>] [-s <x>] [-forceRM <x>] [-gc <XX>] [-RM <path>] [-project <name>] [-CheckLow <XX>]
-a <seqs_1.fa> => first fasta file
-b <seqs_2.fa> => second fasta file
-p <x> => priority setting to favor or not one of the files when choice of sequence to keep
x = a or b, give priority to file a or b when choice is not clear
x = no (default), both sequences will be kept
-s <XX> => \"span\" corresponds to the minimum percentage of the sequence that is masked by another one to consider eliminating it
The value [default = 80] will be used as a threshold to make choices on sequences to keep.
For ex, if >XX% of sequenceA is masked by <XX% of sequenceB, sequenceB is kept.
However, if <XX% of sequenceA is masked by <XX% of sequenceB, both are kept.
-forceRM => set this to chose how to behave if previous .out exist
x = 0 (default), chose this to avoid remasking if .out files already exist for files set as -a and -b
x = 1, chose this to let RM check for existing .out (RM will move them if they do)
x = 2, chose this to delete the pre-existing .out files (therefore masking will be redone)
-gc <XX> => GC content (%) of the genome of the species considered, for use of good matrix in repeat masker
-RM <path> => path = localisation of repeat masker software
if no path provided, path = /home/software/RepeatMasker_405
-project <name> => name = will be in the name of the output files, including the merged fasta
if nothing provided, default = \"MergeFasta\"
-CheckLow <XX> => chose this option to remove low complexity sequences before doing anything to merge libraries.
XX = threshold, in % (80% is advised). Set the minimum low complexity masked % required to eliminate the sequence.
-v => verbose mode, make the script talks to you
-v => print version if only option
-chlog => print change log (updates)
-h|help => Print this help
- Repeat Masker software
- that ALL sequences have a unique name (e.g. name before the #)
if several different consensus have the same names between the 2 libraries this will create errors
you can use sed (see below) to add a number in front of all sequences of one of the files to avoid that issue
in the case of merging 2 repclass outputs for ex: sed 's/>/>1_/' seqs_1.fa > seqs_1.ok.fa