
This action makes the protoc compiler available to Workflows.


To get the latest stable version of protoc just add this step:

- name: Install Protoc
  uses: 4w3official/setup-protoc-action@v1

If you want to pin a major or minor version you can use the .x wildcard:

- name: Install Protoc
  uses: 4w3official/setup-protoc-action@v1
    version: '22.3'

You can also require to include releases marked as pre-release in Github using the include-pre-releases flag (the dafault value for this flag is false)

- name: Install Protoc
  uses: 4w3official/setup-protoc-action@v1
    version: '22.3'
    include-pre-releases: true

The action queries the GitHub API to fetch releases data, to avoid rate limiting, pass the default token with the repo-token variable:

- name: Install Protoc
  uses: 4w3official/setup-protoc-action@v1
    repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}