
Graph based analytics of source code projects

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Build Status GitHub Issues

Graph based analytics of source code projects

Project Layout


Domain model representing source code repository commits as an interaction graph.


Core persistance and parsing functionality.


Extension point for adding support for further Source Control and Issue Tracking systems.


CI integration and Analytics REST endpoints


mvn clean package spring-boot:repackage

Run Importer

java -Dloader.path='core/plugins/augury-github-plugin-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar!' -jar core/target/core-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar --db.type=HTTP --db.url= --db.username=neo4j --db.password=neo4j --scm.provider=GITHUB --scm.url=4x0l0tl --scm.username="" --scm.password="" --scm.project=augury --scm.branch=master --type=import --dateFormat=dd/MM/yyyy --fromDate=01/12/2017 --toDate=02/12/2017

Note: If your plugin packages its own dependencies you need to provide an explicit path to the jar with a ! postfix e.g. (-Dloader.path='plugin1.jar!,plugin2.jar!) in order for them to be added to the spring boot classpath correctly


Augury is made available under GPLv3 License

Creating a Plugin


Set plugin-parent as project parent to inherit required dependencies and plugin configuration



@Component //For spring to add implementation to PluginRegistry
@Order(999) //Priority for multiple plugins supporting an specific SCM or IT platform. Lower number, higher priority
public class GithubPlugin implements SourceControlPlugin {
	Environment env;
	//Initiasation logic based on parameters supplied by env
	public void initialise() {

	//Specify lookup string to retrieve this implementation from the PluginRegistry
	public boolean supports(String delimiter) {
		return "GITHUB".equalsIgnoreCase(delimiter);
	//Implement required functionality
	public List<String> getBranchList() {

Build & Package

Package the plugin jar in a MODULE layout

mvn clean package spring-boot:repackage