- 1
- 68
#4 opened by KamikZMenu - 0
How to compile it
#40 opened by ZTzTopia - 1
Any example for button with image? please :)
#41 opened by NiteSpicy - 6
How to compile in windows
#23 opened by FNXDarkTrap000 - 0
- 2
How do I do it?
#39 opened by cosmin32 - 1
- 1
Cannot inject
#35 opened by ui-bin - 2
How to change the ip and port i didnt found
#36 opened by fadhilganteng - 0
Fixed errors
#37 opened by MishaKonsta - 1
How to compile in Linux?
#28 opened by annetyy - 10
Doesn't support textdraws?
#31 opened by izrie1 - 0
- 8
#3 opened by KamikZMenu - 1
Keyboard Disappear
#30 opened by MrAdhit - 0
Help For Update Client
#27 opened by br1antg - 2
Adding images
#19 opened by ReshiramZekrom1 - 2
- 2
saPather error
#26 opened by peterbuza9 - 1
How to compile it on Visual Studio?
#25 opened by ZentaiZber - 1
[SaPatcher] Files not found.
#24 opened by KamikZMenu - 0
Weapon on interior or police vehicle
#22 opened by qqwrv-f10eq - 4
GTA SA Lite version.
#20 opened by qqwrv-f10eq - 4
how to fix the keyboard?
#6 opened by SteelSa - 0
#13 opened by qqwrv-f10eq - 3
Помоги мне, я хочу использовать свой родной язык.
#12 opened by landomx - 0
I want to make file
#16 opened by landomx - 0
I want to know how to support other languages.
#15 opened by XTERMisaka - 0
Player weapons
#11 opened by qqwrv-f10eq - 4
How to fix the keyboard crash?
#14 opened by fet1sov - 2
random crash when found player.
#8 opened by qqwrv-f10eq - 3
saPather: static assert failed
#7 opened by qqwrv-f10eq - 1
What are you using for build this ?
#5 opened by qqwrv-f10eq - 3
Compilation issue
#2 opened by SteelSa