
You hit this page cause you want to be ready for high profile full-stack-mobile job interview or need to structure your interview questions.


Extremely convenient from DevOps perspective

You can find all news about Android


  • Effective Objective-C 2.0 by Matt Galloway
  • Erica Sadun OS Auto Layout Demystified
  • Swift https://swift.org/


  • Clean Codeby Robert Cecil Martin
  • Eric Freeman, Kathy Sierra Head First Design Patterns
  • Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
  • Eric Evans Domain-Driven Design
  • Martin Fowler Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture

Here's some areas where most Senior Developers lack of basics despite many years of experience:


We are all spending most of our time around APIs built by someone else. Wouldn't be great to understand underline networking protocols HTTP/2, WebSockets, WebRTC, etc?

Ilya Grigorik, Google wrote a great book, High Performance Browser Networking: https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/mylekha-ebook/IT+%26+Programming/Network/High-Performance-Browser-Networking-Ilya-Grigorik.pdf

Secure it! XSS, CSRF, CORS, JWT, etc http://jwt.io

Algorithmic thinking and experience


Look at this! It was built by large community over the past 20 years and has a lot of great, well-optimized libraries. There is no need to reinvent everything in Golang.
Linux Perfomance Tools

Learn/refresh bash and basic shell commands first however


Easy! Learn how to visualize it Regex

^({0,1}((0|+61)(2|4|3|7|8)){0,1}){0,1}(\ |-){0,1}[0-9]{2}(\ |-){0,1}[0-9]{2}(\ |-){0,1}[0-9]{1}(\ |-){0,1}[0-9]{3}$

Interview check-lists and recommended reading

Codility and other online testing

DON'T SKIP TRAINING! You are compiting again other candidates. Good news - most candidates are too lazy, overconfident and 90% of them won't bother to spend 4-6 hours to practice.


American Accent


Here's the list of great people you might want to follow

Your feedback is greatly appreciated! Send me email on petrushinalex@gmail.com