
Discourse plugin to sign up using slack

Primary LanguageRuby


Slack API Oauth2 for Discourse

Installation Instructions (for Docker installations):

  • Register a new Slack API application at: https://api.slack.com/applications/new if you haven't already
    • For the Redirect URL: http(s)://example.com/auth/slack/callback
  • Open your container app.yml
  • Under section env: you should add your Slack APP API credentials:

Warning: the CLIENT_ID should be a String (as it has a dot and otherwise Rails will consider it a FixNum and take away the last two digits)


If no SLACK_TEAM_ID enviroment variable is set up it will ask the user the team with which he/she wants to sign up to Discourse

  • Under section hooks add the follow line:
          - git clone https://github.com/4xposed/oauth-slack-discourse.git
  • Rebuild the docker container
./launcher rebuild my_image