- 3
Can't add new buttons. Client won't connect.
#116 opened by Sawtaytoes - 1
Get it running on Raspbian bookworm lite
#115 opened by pfink - 5
Flic Twist support
#107 opened by deanylev - 7
- 0
Battery percentage not available
#114 opened by alexlarocca - 2
Compatibility with RPI 4?
#113 opened by MTxx87 - 2
Visual Studio 2019 Project File
#105 opened by RedNoo - 8
- 1
Flic to Node Red
#110 opened by evilsnailofdestruktion - 7
simpleclient build fails on Raspberry Pi
#108 opened by Sivivatu - 2
- 0 seems to need an 'import queue'
#106 opened by veebch - 2
`GLIBC_2.28' not found | Ubuntu 18 LTS
#93 opened - 1
Update devices adapter capabilities
#104 opened by groundrace - 0
Battery Percentage
#103 opened by jdubz666 - 8
Not connecting to Flic using Bluetooth v5 dongle
#101 opened by hillstub - 1
Building for Mac Catalyst with Xcode 12
#100 opened by arlomedia - 1
flicd: flicd.cpp:2741: void le_set_scan_enable_handler(uint8_t): Assertion `!status' failed.
#99 opened by Hoekeren - 5
#98 opened by Christiandk1986 - 7
- 1
musl libc builds for Alpine Linux
#96 opened by ScrumpyJack - 8
Connection to flic buttons is getting lost
#90 opened by soldag - 2
- 1
Source code
#94 opened by Misiu - 5
Batterystatus always return -1
#84 opened by osos - 3
Support Flic 2
#92 opened by jorisre - 1
#91 opened by bobisaperson1 - 0
server error 0 on Raspberry Pi Zero W
#89 opened by sennluzi - 2
Enumeration of hci0, hci1 / disable one dongle
#66 opened by alvarq - 0
timediff always 0 for ButtonUpOrDown
#88 opened by Sawtaytoes - 2
flicd exits when started with -d from service
#86 opened by aboulfad - 3
Button not detected...
#85 opened by alexe100 - 0
- 0
- 0
EvtBatteryStatus missing in
#81 opened by dleffo - 3
Flic on windows 10 fall creators update
#80 opened by aa4re - 3
Does this support Flic Lights?
#77 opened by cooperaj - 11
How to Force disconnect via nodejs?
#79 opened by gizus - 4
Manual pairing (startScanWizard)
#72 opened by varhub - 5
More than 5 connection CSR BC8510
#76 opened by dodepier - 2
repeated ConnectionEstablishmentFailed when trying to connect to button with example node client
#73 opened by Roaders - 5
EvtButtonEvent time_diff precision
#74 opened by skakri - 17
flicd service keeps restarting
#71 opened by Norien - 3
Is there support for PBF (Powered By Flic) buttons? - Error: WizardInternetBackendError
#70 opened by varhub - 16
flicd is not working on AlpineLinux
#69 opened by joker85 - 6
Can't pair - Home Assistant
#65 opened by schmidiij - 1
No data when pressing buttons
#67 opened by andreasloe - 1
- 4
- 10
Assertion failure
#64 opened by mrwhale