Mac OS Implementation
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Wondering if this can be installed on macOS. Have downloaded the flic linux dependencies. Down have linux running on mac though.
Hi. Have you seen
Thanks yes, I have that one. I may have posted this in the wrong project. I am trying to integrate flic with home bridge for which a dependency is fliclib.
And what is the problem you are having?
I have installed The Flic Service Beta and it is running. I have installed the npm flic package and add the json. The flic is paired from before when i was using Hax with flic.
The Homebridge load shows that it is connected; [homebridge-flic.Flic] Controller [localhost:5551] - Connected
I am missing something because it isn't showing up as an accessory. The button is also glowing red when I click it.
No suggestions to get this working ?