An awesome, deployable, simple, non spammy, auth-system enabled, multi-chat music bot!
: API_ID as from telegram apps.API_HASH
: API_HASH as from telegram apps.SESSION_NAME
: Make a string session of the alternate account that will be used by the bot to play music, (this account will not be able to hear music) here.BOT_TOKEN
: Make a Bot from @Botfather and fill it's bot token.BOT_USERNAME
: Your bot username, to help create handlers.OWNER_ID
: Needed sometimes, so fill it.START_PIC
: The pic displayed when a person starts your bot, use telegraph for it.PLAY_PIC
: The pic to show playing message and stop message.SUDO_USERS
: Fill the userids of the users who will have full control over bot at any group, with spaces between them (dont forget to add your own id kek!).PROXY
: A proxy to use for youtube-dl, if you dont know, leave it.
I recommend deploying on railways, because it lags relatively less than heroku (almost lagless)
Steps to Deploy on Railway
- Fork This Repo, to your github account
- Create an account at Railway
- Create an app at railway with a postgresql addon
- Gather all the requirements mentioned above in the following manner in your notes app, and then after finishing copy the whole thing to your clipboard
- Go to railway, to the app you created, and then go to the tab
- Click on bulk import, a dialogue box would open up, now paste the whole copied vars that we copied in step 4
- Now go to the Deployment tab and then connect your github
- After connecting your github, connect the forked repo that you forked from me
- Now deploy it, wait until it comes online and enjoy lagless music!
- Zack-Bloodshot A.K.A A B H I: Main Dev
- MarshalX for tgcalls
- delivrance for Pyrogram