Learn web development in this mini piscine.
Completed 5/6 Exercises
Completed 12/14 Exercises (The 2nd ssap is not right, but o-well). Might only get credit of 9/14. For 2nd do_op. I had to take consideration of negative value case like "4 - -3" and my program doesn't. So it is incorrect implementation. Also, when I test the files for special characters like # and * will break the terminal commands, so be sure to use backslash # or backslash * instead.
Did 1/6 Exercises, the 2nd exercise has a wrong output on PDF. I'm gonna skip the day and move on to day 03. Gonna take a lost here b/c it will take a while to do this day and I don't understand much.
Did 6/7 Exercises, the 1st exercise tells us to use PAMP tool from 42, but it is outdated, so I used MAMP instead. Basically, I opened up MAMP and set root directory to where my exercises are. There I can access them on the browser using local host and port. I need the files to run on the browser before using curl to call on my terminal.
Did 4/5 Exercises, all focused on login, modify passwords, and the like.
Did the ecommerce website of Pokemon Plushies. Took a very long time during the past two days because it was supposed to be from scratch. I used Udemy tutorial to make this. There are quite a few bugs around like not being able to change multiply quantities of plushies. Or that if you got to certain pages, the add to cart button won't work. I know that these bugs are fixable over time, but this is only a 2 day project. It was mad fun, and I got in less than 2 hours of sleep yesterday, but was worth the fun. I turned in a mySQL dump file and a install.php file that both initialize the database. In case one doesn't work, I got the other.
Honestly my sites have a lot of bugs. It is not optimized and missed a lot of features of customers and admin, but my graders were very generous, so I got full credit despite not deserving it.
Did 21/21 Exercises, they are simple and short, but there could be errors. We'll see. This is moulinette graded, not people.
To use MAMP SQL without downloading, go to MAMP applications folder so that whenever I type mysql on terminal, it automatically goes to "PATH=/Applications/MAMP/Library/bin:$PATH". Put this path in my .zshrc file. If I have password and username access, then run: "mysql -uroot -proot" to get to mysql shell. On the shell, use code word like: 'use' to use which database, 'show' on tables, databases to show them on the sql terminal. I can use 'source PATH', where path is the location of my sql file, to run my sql files from another location. Else, just cat the file contents and paste directly into the sql terminal. Also, use the resource 'base-student.sql' in the beginning so that you have all the necessary tables for all the later exercises. Do this by running it with source 'PATH'.
http://g2pc1.bu.edu/~qzpeng/manual/MySQL%20Commands.htm <--sql cheatsheet
Did 4/6 Exercises. These exercises are really long. Each of them takes hours to do. They are not hard, but mostly use mathematical equations to solve like vertexes, vectors, matrices which is purely math related questions. Just have to convert math to code mostly despite how long it takes...Doing up to 4 problems only gets you 40% which is not a passing grade :(
To test the exercises: Use the given main_ex##.out to check the output if I compile main_##.php with my file. This ensures that the opp code that I made has the same output. Once the output is the same, I can say that the exercise I did is correct. I included header of files, so that it should work optimally without having to add any lines when I test them.
Did 7/7 Exercises. These exercises are short and based on Game of Throne. It basically utilized test cases, around you have to make simple class to complement them. Pretty decent and fun. Should use abstract, so that test2 of ex06 doesn't output anything but fatal error...Also messed up ex03 by not including abstract before class. I fixed it for now, but the score is already decided.
There's only one exercise and that is to make a Starships Battle Game in php. This is honestly a lot of work for just one day period. Even more work than doing the ecommerce site with a partner, so I'll skip this one...
Did 4/5 Exercises. Big props to my buddy Chsu for helping me out with javascript and jquery stuff. You are the real boss! The exercises deal with making an interactive balloon, calculator, cookies, and others for portion of the day project.
This rush project is basically an extension of day08 exercise. It is making of a php object oriented game of battleship, so I'm going to skip this one also. Don't think it's needed for me to pass the PHP Piscine.