
Jekyll Blog Demo Project

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Jekyll Blog Demo Project



  • git
    • Should already be setup
    • Should clone/push using SSH auth (more info)
  • ruby
    • Expected version: 2.7.5
    • Minimum version: 2.6.x
    • See rbenv or rvm install versions (optional)
  • jekyll + bundler


  1. Fork this repo
  • From demo repo page, click Fork button near top right: pre fork
  • Select your username and wait for fork to be created
  • After fork is created, you will be on page with new repo (example below) post fork
  1. Clone repo from your fork
cd ~/development # or wherever you want to save your local repo
  • Paste copied clone url to clone repo (or clone with git GUI)
git clone git@github.com:myusername/jekyll-blog-demo
  1. Open local repo directory
  • Change directories into newly cloned repo dir:
cd jekyll-blog-demo
  1. Install dependencies
  • This will install all gems specified in Gemfile
bundle install
  1. Run local Jekyll dev server
  • You can add omit the --livereload to restart manually on updates
bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload
  1. Visit local dev url


  • New Jekyll Project
  • Review expected file usage & structure
    • page uses layout
    • page layout contains an include for listing items
    • each item is output to a new layout
  • Build a collection of content block items
    • Each content block item should have a title and subtitle in the frontmatter and some lorem in the main content (below the frontmatter)
    • Each content block item should also have a published setting in the frontmatter
  • In a new section (or include snippet), loop through each item in your collection and output them into content blocks, omitting any blocks whose published setting is false.
  • Create a page to hold that section (homepage is fine) and render into the browser.
    • Note: Don't forget to export the collection, section and page from the _config.yml
    • See https://jekyllrb.com/docs for more info
  • Create several (at least 3) items (posts) under your new collection
    • At least 1 where: published=true
    • At least 1 where: published=false
    • Test different data/values in "frontmatter" and content blocks
  • Commit changes (can use a new/custom branch name)
  • Push changes (to your forked repo)
  • Open a pull request against this repo (bowtie-co/jekyll-blog-demo)
  • Add any additional info and/or questions you might have

Extra Credit

  • Setup & utilize bootstrap framework
    • Improve and customize styles, responsiveness, etc
  • Add new/custom jekyll plugins
  • Build and deploy static site as demo
    # Build compiled static site (default out dir: "_site")
    bundle exec jekyll build
    # Copy/deploy contents from _site/* to web server/provider
  • Add support for docker development
    • Create Dockerfile + docker-compose.yml files
    • Define jekyll demo builds in containerized envs
    • Running docker-compose up starts the app (same as jekyll start)