- 0
R API wrapper
#82 opened by nuest - 0
Docker image
#81 opened by nuest - 0
#80 opened by fariftehj - 0
Adding column to an existing attribute table
#78 opened by fariftehj - 0
#79 opened by fariftehj - 0
- 0
Changes to the FeatureIterator
#71 opened by MartinSchouwenburg - 4
FeatureCoverage corrupts coordinatesystem
#43 opened by ridoo - 1
- 4
ConnectorFactory always return nullpointer
#48 opened by ridoo - 2
Index Attribute Table has wrong values
#66 opened by johko - 1
Add axis ordering control to GeometryHelper
#58 opened by ridoo - 1
ConnectorFactory creates connectors unneccessarily
#68 opened by ridoo - 1
double value recognition in spreadsheets
#67 opened by johko - 2
delete old ContainerConnector related method
#49 opened by ridoo - 2
- 1
Funciton of [ ] for a PixelIterator with a Box
#65 opened by johko - 3
prepare and store FeatureCoverage leads to a crash
#61 opened by ridoo - 1
Qt warnings when setting working catalog
#60 opened by johko - 0
XmlStreamingParser: improve gml parsing
#63 opened by ridoo - 0
Linked images are missing
#62 opened by ridoo - 0
inconsistent resource properties setting/accessing
#50 opened by ridoo - 0
- 1
Can't find iUNDEF in table
#53 opened by johko - 1
Switched Arguments in Raster Calculations
#54 opened by johko - 0
- 1
Domain resolution problem
#51 opened by johko - 0
Coordinatesystem ilwisIDs not identical
#52 opened by johko - 3
- 1
mastercatalog still uses container concepts
#47 opened by ridoo - 2
Rename method
#45 opened by ridoo - 2
User names and passwords
#41 opened by MartinSchouwenburg - 7
MasterCatalog overrides Resources
#33 opened by ridoo - 2
quint64 id = i64UNDEF; id == i64UNDEF ?
#37 opened by pokulo - 1
setWorkingCatalog and trailing '/' (slash)
#42 opened by pokulo - 5
Discuss Redesign of the Connector Interfaces?
#34 opened by ridoo - 3
- 2
#40 opened by pokulo - 6
- 3
#38 opened by pokulo - 2
WGS & Geometry::transform(targetCsy)
#26 opened by pokulo - 1
- 2
Query the available GIS operations loaded
#36 opened by pokulo - 1
weird cache directory from PYTHON API
#35 opened by pokulo - 2
RasterCoverage unloadBinary
#24 opened by pokulo - 2
- 2
Resource drops query string from Url
#32 opened by ridoo - 2
GDALFeatureTableConnector hast to connect internal AttributeTable to the GdalFeatureConnector
#29 opened by pokulo - 0
recurrent call on BaseTable::adjustRange()
#30 opened by pokulo - 1
recursive loadBinaryData
#28 opened by pokulo