
A fullstack MERN application with two types of users: the buyer, who can choose between a list of posters, see the details, add posters to the cart, and submit an order, and the administrator (signin as admin/root to see these functionalities) who can edit, delete, and add a new poster.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A fullstack MERN application with two types of users: the buyer, who can choose between a list of posters, see the details, add posters to the cart, and submit an order, and the administrator (signin as admin/root to see these functionalities) who can edit, delete, and add a new poster.

In order to use the application on local environment, you have to set two variables:

In /fe folder, add a .env file, with a variable REACT_APP_SERVER_ADDRESS initialized with the address of the be running on your machine (es. http://localhost:1337).

In the /be folder, add also an .env file, with a variable MONGODB_URI initialized with the address of the mongo db you wanna use (es. mongodb+srv://username:password@cluster0.f0qfx.mongodb.net/collectionName?retryWrites=true&w=majority).

Run both the fe and the be with npm start, and you're ready to go!