
Miscellaneous collection of Python and R scripts for processing sequencing data

Primary LanguagePython



Last Updated: 05/09/2016

cDNA_Cupcake is a miscellaneous collection of Python and R scripts used for analyzing sequencing data. Most of the scripts only require Biopython. For scripts that require additional libraries, it will be specified in documentation.

Python Requirements

  • Python >= 2.7
  • Biopython

How to use this repository

Since most of the scripts are independent (do not depend on each other), you can either clone the whole directory, or, if you are only interested in a specific script, just download that specific script to your local drive.

You can clone the GitHub repository, then add the GitHub repo path to your $PATH variable. The scripts are organized into different sub-directories (ex: sequence/, rarefaction/ etc) so you will have to add them individually.

git clone https://github.com/Magdoll/cDNA_Cupcake.git
export PATH=$PATH:<path_to_Cupcake>/sequence/
export PATH=$PATH:<path_to_Cupcake>/rarefaction/

For any issues or bugs, please report to Issues.


Please see wiki for the latest maintained list of scripts.

A brief list of currently listed scripts are:

Sequence Manipulation

  • get_seq_stats.py: Summarize length distribution of a FASTA/FASTQ file.
  • rev_comp.py: Reverse complement a sequence from command line.
  • fa2fq.py and fq2fa.py: Convert between FASTA and FASTQ format.
  • sort_fasta_by_len.py: sort fasta file by length (increasing or decreasing).
  • get_seqs_from_list.py: extract list of sequences given a fasta file and a list of IDs.

Sequence Simulation

  • simulate.py: Simulate error in sequences.