- OS / ROS
- Ubuntu 16.04
- ROS Kinetic
- Ubuntu 18.04
- ROS Melodic
- Ubuntu 16.04
- USB 3.0 Port
- CIS ToF Camera Sensor
Install "ROS Desktop Full" on Ubuntu PC.
- ROS Kinetic for Ubuntu 16.04
- ROS Melodic for Ubuntu 18.04
$ source /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/setup.bash
$ mkdir -p ~/camera_ws/src
$ cd ~/camera_ws/src
$ catkin_init_workspace
$ git clone https://github.com/tork-a/cis_camera.git
$ cd ~/camera_ws
$ rosdep install -y -r --from-paths src --ignore-src
$ catkin_make
$ source ~/camera_ws/devel/setup.bash
- NOTE: Replase
to the ROS distribution of your system,kinetic
For the first time you start using CIS ToF camera, run set_udev_rules
to set CIS ToF camera device permission configuration with entering sudo password in responce to program input.
$ source ~/camera_ws/devel/setup.bash
$ rosrun cis_camera set_udev_rules
- NOTE : This process is needed only once after the installations on your Ubuntu PC.
- Connect the camera to the USB 3.0 port of your Ubuntu PC
- Connect the external power source to the camera and turn it on
To see the pointcloud with RViz.
$ source ~/camera_ws/devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch cis_camera pointcloud.launch
This file launches windows of RViz and rqt_reconfigure
When you do not need to launch rqt_reconfigure
please set a launch option as below.
$ roslaunch cis_camera pointcloud.launch reconfigure:=false
- Launching RViz
- Launching Dynamic Reconfigure
- Name of cis_camera for ROS nodes and topics
- Number of threads
- Vendor ID of cis_camera
- Product ID of cis_camera
- Projecting RGB colors on the pointcloud
- Applying flying pixel filter with PCL
- Applying flying pixel filter with PCL
When you publish only Depth, IR and RGB images, launch tof.launch
$ source ~/camera_ws/devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch cis_camera tof.launch
If you show the images, run rqt
and open Plugins -> Visualization -> Image View.
$ source ~/camera_ws/devel/setup.bash
$ rqt
After you launched pointcloud.launch reconfigure:=false
or tof.launch
you can also reconfigure Depth/IR configurations dynamically with launching rqt_reconfigure
$ source ~/camera_ws/devel/setup.bash
$ rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure
When you reconfigure Depth/IR camera distortion correction parameters,
check ir_dist_reconfig
to effect parameters ir_fx
, ir_fy
and so on.
To set back the parameters to config/camera_ir.yaml
uncheck ir_dist_reconfig
When you want to know a frame rate of ROS topic, please run rostopic hz
as below.
In the case of a topic /camera/depth/points
$ source ~/camera_ws/devel/setup.bash
$ rostopic hz /camera/depth/points
To find out what topics exits,
$ source ~/camera_ws/devel/setup.bash
$ rostopic list
Terminal 1
$ source ~/camera_ws/devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch cis_camera pointcloud.launch
Terminal 2
$ source ~/camera_ws/devel/setup.bash
$ rosrun cis_camera pcl_example
This PCL example code extracts a target object by filtering the point cloud, calculates the centroid of the extracted point cloud and publishes a TF on the centroid.
This example is based on "Building a Perception Pipleline" of ROS Industrial Training.
- https://industrial-training-master.readthedocs.io/en/melodic/_source/session5/Building-a-Perception-Pipeline.html
- https://industrial-training-master.readthedocs.io/en/kinetic/_source/session5/Building-a-Perception-Pipeline.html
- https://industrial-training-jp.readthedocs.io/ja/latest/_source/session5_JP/Building-a-Perception-Pipeline_JP.html
Enter Ctrl-C
on the running terminal.
- /camera/depth/image_raw
- Type : sensor_msgs/Image
- Publisher : /camera/cistof
- Default
- Width : 640 px
- Height : 480 px
- Video Mode : gray16
- Raw image topic with gray16 scale for depth data
- /camera/depth/image_rect
- /camera/depth/image_rect_raw
- /camera/ir/image_raw
- Type : sensor_msgs/Image
- Publisher : /camera/cistof
- Default
- Width : 640 px
- Height : 480 px
- Video Mode : gray16
- Raw image topic with gray16 scale for IR image
- /camera/ir/image_rect
- /camera/rgb/image_raw
- Type : sensor_msgs/Image
- Publisher : /camera/cistof
- Default
- Width : 1280 px
- Height : 960 px
- Video Mode : bgr8
- Raw image topic with bgr8 for RGB image
- /camera/rgb/image_rect_color
- /camera/depth/points
- Type: sensor_msgs/PointCloud2
- Publisher : /camera/camera_nodelet_manager
- Depth Range
- Range 0 : Distance min: 300 [mm] - Max: 6660 [mm]
- Range 1 : Distance min: 150 [mm] - Max: 1500 [mm]
- Value
- Range 0 : 0
- Range 1 : 1
- Default : 0
- Coring Threshold
- Increasing the value will lower the background threshold.
- Value
- Maximum : 0x3FFF
- Minimum : 0
- Default : 0
- Noise Reduction Filter ON/OFF
- Value
- NR Filter ON : 1
- NR Filter OFF : 0
- Default : 1
- Number of light emitting pulses per frame
- Increasing the value improves the distance measurement accuracy.
- Value
- Maximum : 2400
- Minimum : 1
- Default : 1200
- Enable LEDs
- LD1 ON : 0x0001
- LD2 ON : 0x0002
- Value
- Maximum : 3
- Minimum : 0
- Default : 3
- IR Gain
- Value
- Maximum : 2047
- Minimum : 0
- Default : 256
- Auto exposure mode
- Value
- Manual : 0
- Auto_Gain : 1
- Auto_Shutter : 2
- Auto_Full : 3
- Default : 3
- Color correction Mode
- Value
- Off : 0
- Standard : 1
- Default : 0
- RGB brightness gain
- Value
- min : 1.0
- Max : 10.67
- Default : 1.0
- RGB exposure time (shutter control)
- Value
- min : 0.00001
- MAX : 0.01
- Default : 0.01
To change the parameters,
- run
as mentioned above.pointclodu.launch
by defalut.
- add options descriptions like below when you execute a launch file.
$ roslaunch cis_camera pointcloud.launch nr_filter:=0 pulse_count:=1000
If you want to display the informations about parameters when launch files extecuted, use --screen
option as below.
$ roslaunch cis_camera pointcloud.launch --screen
$ rosnode list
$ rostopic list
$ rosparam list
$ rosnode list
robotuser@robotuser-PC:~/camera_ws$ rostopic list
$ rosparam list