
Webpack loader for JavaScript/TypeScript conditional compilation.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



  • 首先感谢您的查阅与使用,该 loader 是基于Antonino Porcino <nino.porcino@gmail.com>ifdef-loader(v2.3.2)进行的改造
  • 原 loader 仅支持// #if xxx/// #if xxx的写法,现可支持 vue 单文件中template<!-- #if xxx -->这种写法。
  • ifdef-fill-with-blanks默认值改为true,默认行为是删除非当前条件环境下的代码,false为使用/代替非当前环境的代码


npm i vue-ifdef-loader -D


const opts = {
  DEBUG: true,
  version: 3,
  age: 15,
  platform: "wechat",
  // 以上参数是你像在项目中使用的环境变量,可以任意设置,配合环境变量更好用

  // 是否打印日志
  "ifdef-verbose": true,
  // 为true是三斜杠作为条件编译标识
  // false 是双斜杠作为条件编译标识
  "ifdef-triple-slash": true,
  // add this to uncomment code starting with "// #code "
  "ifdef-uncomment-prefix": "// #code ",
module.exports = {
  chainWebpack: config => {
    // ...
      .tap(() => {
        return opts;
    // ...
    return config;

用法 demo

  <div id="app">
    <div id="nav">
      <!-- /// #if age == 16 -->
      <!-- /// #else -->
      <!-- /// #endif -->

/// #if age == 15
/// #else
/// #endif

<style lang="scss">
/// #if age <= 15
body {
  background: red;
/// #else
body {
  background: green;
/// #endif

loader 用法介绍

Webpack loader that allows JavaScript or TypeScript conditional compilation (#if ... #elif ... #else ... #endif) directly from Webpack.

Conditional compilation directives are written inside /// triple slash comment so that they don't effect normal JavaScript or TypeScript parsing.


/// #if DEBUG
console.log("there's a bug!");
/// #endif

The DEBUG or any other variable can be specified when configuring the Webpack loader (see below).

The directive #if accepts any valid JavaScript expression:

/// #if PRODUCTION && version.charAt(0)=='X'
/// #endif

If the expression is true the block of code between #if and #endif is included, otherwise is excluded by commenting it out.

Additionally, #elif and #else clauses can be added to an #if clause:

/// #if env == 'PRODUCTION'
/// #elif env == 'DEBUG'
/// #else
console.log("Something else!");
/// #endif

The #if clauses can also be nested:

/// #if OS=="android"
/// #elif OS=="ios"
/// #endif
/// #endif


Example of use with TypeScript files, enabling the DEBUG and version variables:

In webpack.config.json put vue-ifdef-loader after ts-loader so that files are processed before going into TypeScript compiler:

// define preprocessor variables
const opts = {
   DEBUG: true,
   version: 3,
   "ifdef-verbose": true,                 // add this for verbose output
   "ifdef-triple-slash": false,           // add this to use double slash comment instead of default triple slash
   "ifdef-fill-with-blanks": true,         // add this to remove code with empty spaces instead of "//" comments
   "ifdef-uncomment-prefix": "// #code "  // add this to uncomment code starting with "// #code "

/* ... */ {
   test: /\.tsx?$/,
   exclude: /node_modules/,
   use: [
      { loader: "ts-loader" },
      { loader: "vue-ifdef-loader", options: opts }

// alternatively, options can be passed via query string:
const q = require('querystring').encode(opts);
/* ... */ {
   test: /\.tsx?$/,
   exclude: /node_modules/,
   loaders: [ "ts-loader", `vue-ifdef-loader?${q}` ]

in example.ts:

/// #if DEBUG
/* code to be included if DEBUG is defined */
///   #if version <2
/* code to be included if DEBUG is defined and version < 2*/
///   #endif
/// #endif

Code in comments

Often times writing #if ... #else ... #endif results in code that is not syntactically valid or does not pass the LINT check. A possible workaround is to hide such code in comments and let vue-ifdef-loader uncomment it if it's part of the block that has to be included in the output.


The following code is invalid because the linter sees a double declaration of the a variable.

// #if DEBUG
let a=1;
// #else
let a=2;
// #endif

Using code in comments:

// #if DEBUG
let a=1;
// #else
// #code let a=2;
// #endif

The code is now under comment so it's ignored by the linter; but it's uncommented by vue-ifdef-loader if the else branch has to be included in the output (that is when DEBUG==false).

The // #code string prefix can be changed and has to be explictly specified in the options object:

const opts = {
   // ...
   "ifdef-uncomment-prefix": "// #code ",
   // ...




Contributions in the form of issues or pull requests are welcome.
