
The LocalStack documentation 📖

Primary LanguageHTMLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Repository for docs.localstack.cloud

get started

clone repo

clone the repoitory and init submodules recursively (themes/docsy is a submodule that again has submodules for vendored assets like fontawesome).

git clone --recurse-submodules --depth 1 git@github.com:localstack/docs.git

this performs a shallow clone, which leads to only the main branch being configured for your remote. To be able to pull/push from/to all branches, please run:

git config remote.origin.fetch "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*" && git fetch


git clone git@github.com:localstack/docs.git
cd docs
git submodule update --init --recursive

install hugo

install hugo. Make sure to install the extended version.

run locally

npm install
hugo server

or run in developer mode with automatic reload

hugo server --watch=true --disableFastRender -D


npm run dev

Best Practices

Please follow these best practices when writing documentation here:

  • Use the custom command shortcode for all one-liner commands (also when their output is presented). Do not use it for bash scripts with comments. You can find a more detailed description here: localstack#55

  • Use the ref or relref shortcode when creating non-external links (but still use the markdown native image linking, ref doesn't work there). You can either use ref or relref, the point is to have compile time internal-link checks (which works for both).

  • Stick to markdown if possible.

  • Use one line for each sentence in markdown. If you don't add a backslash at the end of the line or add two new-lines, there won't be linebreak in the rendered text.

  • For snippets, define the correct syntax highlighting. Here's a list of the supported languages: https://gohugo.io/content-management/syntax-highlighting/

  • If you want to hightlight a specific line, there's a feature for that: https://gohugo.io/content-management/syntax-highlighting/#highlighting-in-code-fences

    • This is also supported by the command shortcode!
  • Handling images can be a bit tedious with Hugo. If you want to use images in your post, create a new leaf bundle directory and put the image and the post (named index.md) in there (you can find examples in the docs already, f.e. the cognito service docs).

    Then you can use the usual markdown syntax with a relative path (f.e.: ![Alternative_Text](file_next_to_post.png)).

    If you want to resize the image, use the figure shortcode.

PS.: Feel free to add more best practices here (also give us a heads-up in #sig-docs).