
Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Ghost wallet/daemon management utilities - version 0.11 based on partyman from Particl

  • This script installs, updates, and manages single-user ghost daemons and wallets
  • This script provides the ability to create a new wallet and manage staking node (cold staking functionality)


To install ghostman do:

sudo apt-get install python git unzip pv jq dnsutils
cd ~ && git clone https://github.com/ghost-coin/ghostman

To get the current status of ghostd, do:

ghostman/ghostman status

To get the RPC command getinfo and getwalletinfo from ghostd, do:

ghostman/ghostman getinfo

To perform a new install of ghost, do:

ghostman/ghostman install

To update to the latest version of ghost, do:

ghostman/ghostman update

To overwrite an existing ghost install, do:

ghostman/ghostman reinstall

To restart (or start) ghostd, do:

ghostman/ghostman restart

To create a new wallet on this staking node, do:

ghostman/ghostman stakingnode init

To create a new public key on this staking node, do:

ghostman/ghostman stakingnode new

To get a list of public keys on this staking node, do:

ghostman/ghostman stakingnode

To get staking stats for this staking node, do:

ghostman/ghostman stakingnode stats

To configure the reward address for this staking node, do:

ghostman/ghostman stakingnode rewardaddress

To configure the smsg fee rate target for this staking node, do:

ghostman/ghostman stakingnode smsgfeeratetarget

To install an create firewall/ufw rules to restrict access to only PORTS 22, 8080, 51728 and 51938, do:

ghostman/ghostman firewall

To disable the firewall/ufw and reset the rules, do:

ghostman/ghostman firewall reset



"ghostman install" downloads and initializes a fresh ghost install into ~/.ghost unless already present


"ghostman reinstall" downloads and overwrites existing ghost executables, even if already present


"ghostman restart [now]" restarts (or starts) ghostd. Searches for ghost-cli/ghostd the current directory, ~/.ghost, and $PATH. It will prompt to restart if not given the optional 'now' argument.


"ghostman status" interrogates the locally running ghostd and displays its status


  • bash version 4
  • nc (netcat)
  • curl
  • perl
  • pv
  • python
  • unzip
  • jq
  • ghostd, ghost-cli
  • dnsutils