expr_parser done in Rust

I want to develop a tiny programming language with Rust, that has a mathematics-like syntax. The syntax would look like this :

x :: Natural := 0;

Axiom x :: Natural -> Integer;
func invert {
	return -x;

Operator wiki

Operator Reference Example
:= Assignment operator
Is used to assign something to a variable
a := "Hello World!";
:: Type-Resolution operator
Is used to define the type of a variable, a parameter. You should read it as "a belongs to the Natural set" or "a has type T"
a :: Natural;
a :: T;

Bunch of unorganized ideas

func main {
    print("Hello World!");

When a function has axioms, then you are forced to call it with parthesis. Although, if your function has no axioms, you can call it without.

Axioms n :: Integer;
func fib {
    if n <= 1 {
        ret n;
    ret fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);


func no_param {
    ret 99;

func main {

There is an operator to deep copy and one to assign values. The deep-copy one (<=>) allows user to clone the data from the first variable to the second one, while the assignment operator (:=) will link the two objects, which mean that whenever a change is made on the first object, the second one will be updated.

func main {
    b :: Integer := 5;
    a :: Integer := b; // a = 5
    c :: Integer <=> b; // c = 5
    b := 87; // then a = 87 but c = 5