
🔑 AVZ: Social Authorization

Primary LanguageErlang

AVZ Login System for N2O

Authentication methods for N2O sites. Supports both JavaScript based logins (like Google and Facebook) and redirect based OAuth logins (Twitter, Github) in a sane and simple manner. Compatible with but not limited to Nitrogen and N2O.

Supported Methods

  • Twitter
  • Google
  • Facebook
  • Github
  • Microsoft
  • Telegram


sdk/0                % JavaScript for page embedding for JavaScript based login methods
login_button/0       % HTML Button for page embedding
event/1              % Page Event for HTTP redirect based login methods
api_event/3          % Page Event for JavaScript based login methods
callback/0           % Callback part of HTTP redirect based login methods
registration_data/3  % Process Parameters


Pretty short example is given at http://maxim.livejournal.com/421845.html (Russain) along with discussion how to design pages with N2O. Example of Login also could be found in http://github.com/5HT/skyline project.


Library provide only basic HTML markup for the buttons where its not strictly regulated by provider design guidelines. However its easy to provide custom CSS class and/or support any CSS framework on your login page with N2O #jq{} action.

Example of styling FB login button with Bootstrap:

event(init) -> 
  wf:wire(#jq{target=loginfb, method=["classList.add"], args=["'btn', 'btn-primary', 'btn-lg'"]}),

Example of styling Github button with Pure.css

event(init) ->
  wf:wire(#jq{target=github_btn, method=["classList.add"], args=["'pure-button'"]})


Authentication endpoints can be configured in your sys.config under avz application settings.

Available settings listed below with test applications configured for each provider and will call you back on http://localhost:8000/login.

  {avz, [ % General
        {after_login_page, "/index"},
        {login_page, "/login"},

        % Facebook Login
        {fb_id, "176025532423202"},

        % Twitter OAuth
        {tw_consumer_key, "YwfU5qj5AYY0uwPumcw1Q"},
        {tw_consumer_secret, "O7VjRYLWxwMgtSXZbiiY6kc1Og2il9gbo1KAIqZk"},

        % Google Sign-In
        {g_client_id, "158344909038-j6c0rbvpi09kdaqq03j2eddlf047ht3d.apps.googleusercontent.com"}, 
        {g_cookiepolicy, "http://localhost:8000"},
        % Google Sign-In button settings
        {g_btn_width, 240},
        {g_btn_height, 50},
        {g_btn_theme, "light"},
        {g_btn_longtitle, true},

        % Github OAuth
        {github_client_id, "591bfe2556ee60ca8c32"},
        {github_client_secret, "01411884e3c51624d3ea729ed6b047db52973e8e"},

        % Microsoft Account Login
        {ms_client_id, "54385d15-f1e0-4fcf-9bf4-042d740e0df4"},
        {ms_client_secret, "jU0tStEzRdDPFwL9NdVGYxo"},
        {ms_redirect_uri, "http://localhost:8000/login"},
        % Telegram Login Widget
        {tl_bot, "NYNJA_bot"},
        {tl_bot_token, "548231922:AAHmXMMr38XGtH0tJMDUdiByheT2mZ7qkVI"}
        {tl_auth_url, ""},
        {tl_request_access, "write"}
        {tl_btn_size, "large"},
        {tl_btn_radius, "20"},

Telegram Notes

Login widget is displayed within the iframe, so the battle of CPS and x-frame-options is expected in different browsers.

When setting a domain in BotFather with /setdomain, please note that telegram will cut the port part of your domain in the X-Frame-Options and Content-Security-Policy response headers.

So in fact you are limited to use 80 and 443 ports only.


  • Andrii Zadorozhnii
  • Andrii Sergiienko
  • Maxim Sokhatsky