
HTML is a Programming Language!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

HTML is a Programming Language!

html-lang is experimental and currently in development. Proceed at your own risk!

html-lang features no build step, no bundling, no webpack configs. Open up your HTML and start writing HTML.


Include the script tag into the <head></head> section of your HTML.

<script src="https://unpkg.com/@joelnet/html-lang@0.0.6/umd/html-lang.js"></script>


Variables are globally scoped.

<!-- String -->
<val message="Hello World"></val>

<!-- Number -->
<val x:number="888"></val>

<!-- Object -->
<val y:object="{ x: 1, y: 2 }"></val>

<!-- Array -->
<val z:object="['A', 'B', 'C']"></val>

Computed Values

The computed value syntax has a :? at the end of the Variable name.

<!-- Set name -->
<val name="World"></val>

<!-- Compute Message -->
<val message:?="'Hello ' + name"></val>


Display a Variable

<!-- set message to "Hello World" -->
<val message="Hello World"></val>

<!-- Display message -->
<span set:text="message"></span>

If / Conditional

<if test="x > 10">X is GREATER than 10!</if>

An else can be simulated by negating the if condition.

<if test="x > 10">X is GREATER than 10!</if>

<if test="!(x > 10)">X is NOT GREATER than 10!</if>


<!-- set i to 1 -->
<val i:number="1"></val>

<!-- loop while i is less than 11 -->
<while test="i < 11">
  <!-- display i -->
  <div set:text="i"></div>

  <!-- increment i -->
  <val i:?="i+1"></val>

Fetching Data

<!-- fetch data -->
<val response:fetch="'https://swapi.dev/api/people/1'"></val>

<!-- destructure response into loading, error, data -->

<!-- Show when Loading -->
<if test="loading">Loading...</if>

<!-- Show if Error -->
<if test="error"> Error: <span set:text="error"></span> </if>

<!-- Display Data -->
<if test="data">
  <div>name: <span set:text="data.name"></span></div>
  <div>gender: <span set:text="data.gender"></span></div>
  <div>height: <span set:text="data.height"></span>cm</div>



<!-- set i to 1 -->
<val i:number="1"></val>

<!-- loop to 100 -->
<while test="i < 101">
    <!-- if no match display i -->
    <if test="i % 3 !== 0 && i % 5 !== 0">
      <span set:text="i"></span>

    <!-- display Fizz, Buzz -->
    <if test="i % 3 === 0">Fizz</if><if test="i % 5 === 0">Buzz</if>

    <!-- increment i -->
    <val i:?="i+1"></val>