
Create complex React forms via JSON

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Create complex forms via JSON using your design system and/or UI library

NPM JavaScript Style Guide

Why not JSON Schema, ReduxForm, or plain old Formik?

Design Systems and UI libraries include form components, so why should you spend time jamming them in as "custom fields" or styling built in fields? Our philosophy is simple: generate forms via a JSON schema that seamlessly integrates the form components of your choosing and intuitively reflects props objects for those components.

The JSON Schema specification is very powerful and meant to be universal across language implementations - which is great but not always for forms. In React, the spec becomes increasingly difficult to read at a human level as a form scales, and the separation of UI vs Form schema directly contradicts the props pattern for React components.


npm install --save json-formik-forms


import React, { Component } from 'react'

import MyComponent from 'json-formik-forms'
import 'json-formik-forms/dist/index.css'

class Example extends Component {
  render() {
    return <MyComponent />



The Form component provides a simple standardized way to create single and multi-page web forms using only a JSON schema.

Form pages consist of an id, title (optional), description (optional), and an array of field objects.

Fields use the field components in this design system and are declared via the type key in each field object. Fields support all props listed within that component's documentation - including required props. The following fields are currently supported:

  • content
  • custom
  • checkbox
  • radio
  • repeatable
  • select
  • text
  • All other valid HTML input types will be rendered by the Field component.


The Form component supports logic for navigating to specific form pages; including conditional navigation based on form field answers. By default, the form will navigate sequentially through the pages array. Branching is defined by adding the optional action object to a page object.

Page action object

pages: [
    id: 'page_1',
    action: {
      type: 'goto',
      pageId: 'another_page_id' || (values) => {
        if(values.field_1 === 'A') {
          return 'page_3'
        } else {
          return 'page_2'
      buttonText: 'Custom continue button text'
  • type: options aregoto** andnext**(default). -goto* requires the*page_id** to be defined -next* is set as the default for sequential page direction.
  • pageId: accepts either astring** orfunction**.
    • The string must be a valid page object id in the form schema, invalid Ids will throw an error.
    • The function receives a form values object as its sole parameter and expects a string (page_id) to be returned. It should be used to resolve conditional branching logic based on the page field values.
  • buttonText: optional string for custom text applied to the "continue" or "submit" button

Conditional Fields

The Form component provides a simple way to define additional fields that will be conditionally displayed based on user selected values. For example: a radio field has a choice of Other, and when the user selects Other a new text field is displayed for the user to enter the custom value.

Negative conditions (not) are supported where a field should not be displayed if the parent value matches the designated value(s). Negation supercedes value conditions such that a field will not be displayed if the parent value matches both a value and not condition.

value = 'any' is supported where you want to display a conditional field once the parent field has any valid field value (i.e. not an empty string or array.)

Each field defined in the JSON fields array has an optional attribute named conditionals. It has three attributes:

  • fields: array of field objects to display for the condition.
  • not: string or array of strings
  • value: string or array of strings
type: 'radio',
choices: [
  { label: 'A', value: 'A' },
  { label: 'B', value: 'B' },
  { label: 'C', value: 'C' },
  { label: 'Other', value: 'Other' }
name: 'select_1',
conditionals: [
    value: 'Other',
    not: 'C',
    fields: [
        type: 'text',
        label: 'Enter other value',
        name: 'select_1_other'

Content & Custom Fields

The Form component supports content and custom field types which accept a Component function to be rendered. They are provided the all formik props and actions, in addition to internal form values.

Content fields are removed from the form value set and automatic review page. Use the custom field type for custom input components.

  • goBackToPage - function to return to a form page in the pageHistory. -parameter*: integer
  • pageHistory - array of page indexes (integers) that have been visited in the form.
  • pages - array of page objects provided in the form schema.
  • https://jaredpalmer.com/formik/docs/api/formik

Dynamic Checkbox/Radio/Select Choices

Checkbox, Radio, and Select field types allow for their choice options to dynamically update based on the string value of a single parent field. Dynamic choice options are defined by two objects. The first object accepts two parameters:

  • parentField: string
  • choices: object

The second, nested choices object is a key/value pair:

  • key: string value which matches parent field value
  • value: array of choice objects to display
  type: 'select',
  name: 'dynamic_choice_field',
  choices: {
    parentField: 'sample_parent_field',
    choices: {
      orange: [
        { label: 'Tangerine', value: 'tangerine'},
        { label: 'Clementine', value: 'clementine' },
        { label: 'Navel', value: 'navel' }
      apple: [
        { label: 'Honeycrisp', value: 'honeycrisp' },
        { label: 'McIntosh', value: 'mcintosh' },
        { label: 'Ambrosia', value: 'ambrosia' },
        { label: 'Empire', checked: true, value: 'empire' },
        { label: 'Granny Smith', value: 'granny_smith' }
      lemon: [
        { label: 'Meyer', checked: true, value: 'meyer' },
        { label: 'Ponderosa', value: 'ponderosa' }

Repeatable Fields & Field Sets

The Form component supports a repeatable field type which accepts and array of field objects to define a field group. This helps the user with common array/list manipulations, such as "add another address or person".

The field returns an array of key/value objects for each field group the user adds.

Required Props

  • fields - array of field objects
  • label - string
  • name - string

Additional Props

  • addButton - props object to customize the add button. Supports a text property to replace the default + and all other props will be passed to the Button component
  • className - Additional classes to be added to the root div element
  • deleteButton - props object to customize the delete button for all field groups. Supports a text property to replace the default - and all other props will be passed to the Button component
  • hint - Additional hint text to display
  • labelClassName - Additional classes to be added to the label
  • max - maximum number of field groups allowed
  • requirementLabel - Text showing the requirement ("Required", "Optional", etc.).
 type: 'repeatable',
 label: 'This is a repeatable set of fields',
 name: 'repeat_all_the_fields',
 fields: [
     type: 'text',
     name: 'repeat_input',
     label: 'Repeat Input'


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