Seam-slope postprocessor
Post processor for G-code files for hiding a FDM seam.
This post processor modifies the G-code commands to hide the seam. The post processor enhances the surface quality and toughness of the printed part by concealing the seam. Works with gcode produced by any slicer.
- Python 3.12
Running the script
--path to python folder--\python.exe "--path to python script--\" "--path to gcode file--\slicer_x.gcode" --first_layer=0.3 --other_layers=0.3 --slope_min_length=10 --slope_steps=8;
Running the postprocessor from prusa slicer
--path to python folder--\python.exe "--path to python script--\" --first_layer=0.3 --other_layers=0.3 -slope_min_length=10 --slope_steps=8;
Recommended settings
- Line width = 0.6-0.8mm
- Line height = 0.3
- Slope lenght = 10-100mm (60 is enough)
- Slope steps = 10-20steps (Many steps over a short distance may cause unusual behavior of the extruder if use LA)
- Don't use any dynamic speed control
- Use dynamic acceleration control with min acceleration for external perimeter (like 500)