5centsCDN Analytics iOS

Steps to use 5centsCDN Analytics Library:

Add the framework to existing project (Create a New Xcode Project if you don't have one already):

● Copy  the  .framework  file  in your project

For simulator run :

Xcode  ▸  DerivedData  ▸  Your  Project  ▸  Build  ▸  Products  ▸  Release-iphonesimulator

For device run :

Xcode  ▸  DerivedData  ▸  Your  Project  ▸  Build  ▸  Products  ▸  Release-iphoneos

● Manual: If you have the framework files, you can manually add them to your Xcode project. ● Paste the framework file (usually with a .framework extension) into your project's directory where .xcode file

Link the Framework:

● In  your  Xcode  project  settings,  go  to  the  "General"  tab.
● Under  the  "Frameworks,  Libraries,  and  Embedded  Content"  section,  click  the  "+" 
button  and  add  the  framework  you  just  added.
● Import  the  Framework  from  your    your  project's  directory