
Elaboration Zoo partially implemented in Scala3.

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT


elaboration-zoo partially rewritten with Scala3.

If you want a full version...

See The Commented! This is a fully-commented version of the latest chapter, fcpoly.polyarg.

Comment Logic

In each file, important differences from the previous one are commented.

For example, in implicit.insert, Elaboration.scala is the only file that has comment, which means the other files remain unchanged relative to the previous chapter implicit.model.

Major Differences

  • Difficulty curve of mine is not as steep as the original
    • The original project implements Holes in one go, but I separated it to four parts
    • There's a variety of tests running the code from different aspects
      • You can even see de-Bruijn indexes in tests
      • Parser is also implemented in Scala3
  • I made less documentation and references, for that please refer to the original
  • I try to write idiomatic Scala3 code instead of solely adhering to the original
    • Using Singleton when implementing Meta is much more convenient
  • I added chapters that I enjoy but not necessarily relate to typechecking
    • e.g. Pretty Exceptions

Fun Facts

This project is rewritten from memory, when something goes wrong, I refer to original elaboration-zoo to spot the mistake. Here are some mistakes that I've made (and of course fixed):

  • As let b = a; ? can't be b, there's no need for assigning a de-bruijn index to b, but I mistakenly assigned one when writting tests
  • When inferring type of Pi x a b, I forgot to make sure b : U
  • When inferring type of Let x a t u, I forgot to make sure a: t
  • I made sure when (\_ => ?) : A -> ?, A : U, elaboration-zoo didn't check that (because type itself is already typechecked?)
  • did not fresh a new name in conv
  • did not check eta conversion
  • In (x : A) -> ?, A can't include x, but I mistakenly assigned a de-bruijn index when writting tests
  • When generating Term in bidirectional elaboration, I made the context wrong in Let and Lam.
  • I forgot to force some values when implementing holes
  • I ignored the fact that let-bound variables exist in env as complicated objects, partial renaming shouldn't fail on these
  • I forgot to update the solved meta to memory (literally)
  • I forgot to check if lhs and rhs are both meta first in unify
  • I forgot to enable checking type of lambdas
  • I forgot to insert implicit arguments when checking type of implicit function against explicit Pi type
  • I forgot to make sure name of inserted variable doesn't collide with existing ones
  • I forgot to recurse insert function
  • When implementing spine comparison, I mistakenly use foldRight
  • When generating lambdas, I mistakenly use foldRight
    • I made detailed explanation on these two foldLefts
  • When inferring type of function application, when the function's type is meta, I forgot to attempt to unify it with ?0 -> ?1
    • However, no tests will fail without this
  • Getting type of Val makes no sense, so there's no need storing a types array in Ctx
  • I didn't recurse force!
  • I forgot to reverse spine when pretty printing
  • I used ctx.bind instead of ctx.define when pretty-printing let

Here are some of my unclear points:

  • In elaboration-zoo 02, check checks Let separately, is this necessary?
    • Current tests all pass, btw
  • In elaboration-zoo 05, invert doesn't prune all nonlinear arguments, it keeps the first occurrence. Is this intended?
    • I plan to read more materials about pruning later, but currently I'll just keep this as a question

Run Tests

Simply run:

sbt test

You can also change the test sources to see failed cases! Also note that there're built-in tests on failed cases in later chapters.

Difficulty Order

Personal ratings are decided by deltas, i.e. the difficulty of norm.closure.names means how hard it is to understand norm.closure.names after learning norm.hoas.names, not the overall difficulty. That's why you'll see some latter parts have less difficulty compared to former parts.

More stars, more difficult. Difficulty no more than 5* is acceptable.

  1. Normalization
    1. norm.hoas.names (3*)
    2. norm.closure.names (2*)
    3. norm.closure.debruijn (4*)
  2. MLTT Typecheck
    1. typecheck.hoas.names (4*)
    2. typecheck.closure.names (1*)
    3. typecheck.closure.debruijn (3*)
  3. Holes
    1. holes.assemble (1*)
    2. holes.spine (3*)
    3. holes.renaming (4*)
    4. holes.meta (5*)
    5. holes.filter (3*)
  4. Implicit Arguments
    1. implicit.modularize (1*)
    2. implicit.model (3*)
    3. implicit.insert (5*)
    4. implicit.named (3*)
    5. implicit.catch (3*)
    6. implicit.filter (1*)
  5. Pruning
    1. prune.typed (4*)
    2. prune.scope (5*)
    3. prune.nonlinear (4*)
    4. prune.intersect (3*)
  6. First-Class Poly
    1. fcpoly.tylam (3*)
    2. fcpoly.defer (5*)
    3. fcpoly.block (4*)
    4. fcpoly.polyarg (3*)



sbt:elaboration-scala3> Jmh/run -i 3 -wi 3 -f1 -t1 .*Adding.*
[info] Result "benchmark.AddingBench.measureRight":
[info]   1.162 ±(99.9%) 0.105 ns/op [Average]
[info]   (min, avg, max) = (1.157, 1.162, 1.169), stdev = 0.006
[info]   CI (99.9%): [1.057, 1.267] (assumes normal distribution)


The test code calls pruneTy over a Pi chain with 16 parameters:

sbt:elaboration-scala3> Jmh/run -i 3 -wi 3 -f1 -t1 .*PruneTy.*

A tail-recursive implementation referring to original elaboration-zoo:

[info] Result "benchmark.PruneTyBench.elabZoo":
[info]   910.837 ±(99.9%) 232.661 ns/op [Average]
[info]   (min, avg, max) = (896.217, 910.837, 919.669), stdev = 12.753
[info]   CI (99.9%): [678.176, 1143.498] (assumes normal distribution)

My alternative implementation of pruneTy using less-readable anonymous function, this implementation is about 25% faster, potentially due to lack of optimization for tail-recursing in JVM:

[info] Result "benchmark.PruneTyBench.elabScala":
[info]   678.676 ±(99.9%) 56.736 ns/op [Average]
[info]   (min, avg, max) = (675.942, 678.676, 682.059), stdev = 3.110
[info]   CI (99.9%): [621.940, 735.412] (assumes normal distribution)


The test code calls pruneVFlex over a Val.Flex with 16 parameters:

sbt:elaboration-scala3> Jmh/run -i 3 -wi 3 -f1 -t1 .*PruneVFlex.*

A pure-functional version adhering to the original haskell implementation:

[info] Result "benchmark.PruneVFlexBench.elabZoo":
[info]   1478.936 ±(99.9%) 62.369 ns/op [Average]
[info]   (min, avg, max) = (1476.244, 1478.936, 1482.782), stdev = 3.419
[info]   CI (99.9%): [1416.566, 1541.305] (assumes normal distribution)

A more-readable version utilizing mutable variables, there's no evident performance gain from this, but I prefer this implementation:

[info] Result "benchmark.PruneVFlexBench.elabScala":
[info]   1412.891 ±(99.9%) 171.762 ns/op [Average]
[info]   (min, avg, max) = (1407.358, 1412.891, 1423.761), stdev = 9.415
[info]   CI (99.9%): [1241.129, 1584.652] (assumes normal distribution)


As I'm a beginner, I make mistakes. If you found one, submitting Issue or Pull Request is greatly welcomed!