
*** Work in progress ***

This module contains the error handlers for the microservices app


var errorHandler = require('error')(config);

Note: the () after the require statement is mandatory but the config object is optional.

errorHandler is an object with two properties: formatError and utilities

formatError expects an object with a NODE_CODE attribute that conforms to the NODE_CODE constants in application-configuration The full list of NODE_CODES is available in application-configuration constants (appConfig.constants.get('/NODE_CODES'))


// in your code, written as promise
var errorGeneratingFunction = function(parameters){
    return new Promise(resolve, reject){
        if (parameters.badStuff){
                    message:"Developer message that is super useful for debugging", 
                    NODE_CODE: "INTERNAL_NODE_ERROR"
                    return reject(formattedErrorObject);
                    // this indicates that the formatError function didn't receive the required NODE_CODE
            // function stuff
            // resolve({result: "successful function stuff"});