This is the hello microservice for the node microservices app

Structure: hello.js - The main function file for the microservice. Contains the function/logic that gets exposed to the gateway server via the service.js file.

service.js - maps hello.js to the appropriate port and protocol
utilities/ - contains support functions
    transformer.js - contains the logic for aggregating the responses from esb/ldap/http into a single object for 
        returning to the front end app
package.json - aside from the usual dependencies on npm modules we are adding our own custom libraries
    they will be cloned from our repository when npm install is executed. Example:
          "dependencies": {
                "application-configuration": "git+ssh://",
    we have also included a script that deletes the custom modules on every install so that they update properly 
    (semantic versioning isn't supported with git repos)
        $ npm run reinstall
    there is also a script to set up symlinks to the custom libraries (only works on mac/linux)
        this allows the developer to incorporate changes to the libraries without having to commit/push/reinstall
        it assumes that the libraries are stored in the relative location ../../libraries/
        $ npm run linklibs
    see the syntax in package.json for details

test/ - contains the tests for the microservice
    test.js  - contains the test logic and examples.  
        if this gets too big we should break it out into separate files
postman/ - contains a postman collection designed to demonstrate the capabilities of the microservice
    newman/ - contains a newman scipt to execute the postman collection
            # from the microservice root folder
            cd postman/newman
            # execute script
            node newman.js

##To Run Mocha and Generate Istanbul Reports

  istanbul cover _mocha -- -u exports -R spec
  • will create ./coverage where report html will output
  • if you have any issues running istanbul try installing globally