
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This action automates the deployment process for your project to Heroku. It works by executing commands in your shell via NodeJS.

Getting Started


  • A Procfile or Dockerfile in your project.
  • A GitHub repository with a .github folder.
  • A Heroku account and API key.

Create Workflow

  1. Create a .github folder in your repository.
  2. Inside .github, create a workflows folder.
  3. Inside workflows, create a file named main.yml with the following content:
name: Deploy

      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: 5hojib/heroku-deploy-action@v2 # This action
          heroku_api_key: ${{ secrets.HEROKU_API_KEY }}
          heroku_app_name: "YOUR APP's NAME" # Must be unique in Heroku
          heroku_email: "YOUR EMAIL"


Required Options

  • heroku_api_key:

    • Description: Your Heroku API key (stored as a GitHub secret).
    • Example: ${{ secrets.HEROKU_API_KEY }}
  • heroku_app_name:

    • Description: Unique name for your Heroku app.
    • Example: "your-app-name"
  • heroku_email:

    • Description: Your Heroku email address.
    • Example: "your_email@example.com"

Optional Options

  • Build Configuration:

    • buildpack:
      • Description: URL of a custom buildpack for your project.
      • Example: "https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-ruby"
    • branch:
      • Description: Branch to deploy (defaults to HEAD).
      • Example: "dev", "staging"
    • dontautocreate:
      • Description: Set to true to prevent automatic Heroku app creation.
      • Example: "true"
    • dontuseforce:
      • Description: Set to true to skip forced branch switching on Heroku.
      • Example: "true"
  • Docker Options:

    • usedocker:
      • Description: Deploy using a Dockerfile.
      • Example: "true"
    • docker_heroku_process_type:
      • Description: Type of Heroku process (web, worker, etc.) (requires usedocker).
      • Example: "web", "worker"
    • docker_build_args:
      • Description: List of arguments to pass to the Docker build (requires usedocker).
      • Example: "NODE_ENV=production"
  • Application Structure:

    • appdir:
      • Description: Path to your application directory within the project (for subdirectories).
      • Example: "api"
  • Health Check Options:

    • healthcheck:
      • Description: URL to a health check endpoint (checks for a 200 response).
      • Example: "https://yourapp.com/health"
    • checkstring:
      • Description: Value to check for in the health check response.
      • Example: "ok"
    • delay:
      • Description: Time (in seconds) to wait before performing health check (defaults to 0).
      • Example: "5"
    • rollbackonhealthcheckfailed:
      • Description: Set to true to rollback on a failed health check.
      • Example: "true"
  • Other Options:

    • procfile:

      • Description: Contents of the Procfile to save and deploy.
      • Example: "web: npm start"
    • env_file:

      • Description: Path to an environment variable file (relative to appdir).
      • Example: ".env"
    • justlogin:

      • Description: Set to true to only login to Heroku (no deployment).
      • Example: "true"
    • region:

      • Description: Heroku region for app deployment.
      • Example: "us", "eu"
    • stack:

      • Description: The Heroku stack to use for this app.
      • Example: "heroku-20"
    • team:

      • Description: The Heroku team to assign this app to (for Heroku Enterprise users).
      • Example: "your-team-name"