
Game of PODs makes learning and practicing your Kubernetes skills fun by providing you with a set of challenges. Such as to deploy new applications to a cluster, troubleshooting existing applications, troubleshooting and fixing security and network related issues within the cluster and many more.

Game of Pods by KodeKloud

Link to game: https://kodekloud.com/p/game-of-pods

Author: Vijin Palazhi

Level passwords

  • Bravo: Nyk skan jiva schedulara! Zer poda! Zer poda! Zer poda!
  • Pento: Aksios Podo, ilon misas! Kesrio syt logis zobrie issa se ossyngnoti errars
  • Redis Islands: Sikudi nopazmi! Valar dohaeris episierve!
  • Tyro: Zyhys perzys stepagon schedulara Oño resarc, se poda lys qelitsos sikagon
  • Iron Gallery: yamlio muño engos ñuhys issa. Avy jorraelan, yamlio!
  • Voting app: Hen desarrollo, integreiddio. Hen integreiddio, testa. Hen testa, lifa.