Deferred Deep Linking Demo App


This Express.js application is designed to demonstrate deferred deep linking capabilities. It handles deep links for both iOS and Android platforms, redirecting users to the respective app if installed, or to the app store if not. The project also includes a test page that simulates deep linking behavior for verification purposes.


  • Dynamic deep link handling based on user agent.
  • iOS Universal Links support.
  • Android Intent URI for deep linking.
  • Test page for deep linking functionality.
  • Redirection to the respective app store if the app is not installed.

Getting Started


Ensure you have Node.js and npm installed on your system to run the application locally.


Clone the repository and install dependencies:

git clone
cd deferred-deep-link-demo
npm install


Create a .env file in the root directory of the project and fill it with the necessary environment variables based on the provided .env.sample.

Environment Variables

You need to configure the following environment variables for the application to function correctly:

  • IOS_BUNDLE_ID: Your iOS app's bundle identifier.
  • TEAMID: Your Apple Developer Team ID.
  • IOS_APP_NUMERIC_ID: The numeric ID of your iOS app from the App Store.
  • ANDROID_BUNDLE_ID: Your Android app's package name.
  • DEEP_LINK_SCHEME: The URL scheme used for deep linking.

Refer to the .env.sample file for details and format.

Deployment to Vercel

This application is configured for deployment on Vercel with the included vercel.json file. To deploy:

  1. Install Vercel CLI globally:
npm install -g vercel
  1. Log in to Vercel CLI:
vercel login
  1. Deploy the application:
vercel --prod

The deployment will automatically use the configuration specified in vercel.json.

Local Development

To run the application locally:

npm start

By default, the application will start on port 3000, unless specified otherwise in your environment variables.

Testing Deep Links

Visit http://localhost:3000/testPage on a mobile device or emulator to access the deep link test page. Clicking the test link will attempt to open the app on the device. If the app is not installed, it should redirect to the appropriate app store after a short delay.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
