
Primary LanguageVim ScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense

SW Makers

Neomake makers with Suppressed Warnings

What it does

This function pretty much explains itself:

fun! sw_makers#eslint#ProcessOutput(context) abort
  let [ errors, warnings ] = s:ParseLines(a:context.output)
  return empty(errors) ? warnings : errors

Yes. Only show warnings if there's no errors left.

This way you can focus on fixing all the errors without being bothered by low-priority warnings. This keeps you in a tight edit-save-test loop. But given that the warnings are worth being fixed anyway, you don't want to miss them when you do have the leisure to fix them.


Install it with your Vim plugin manager of choice:

Plug '5long/sw-makers'

Then add this in your vimrc:

let g:neomake_javascript_eslint_maker_process_output = function('sw_makers#eslint#ProcessOutput')

That's pretty much it.

Supported makers

Only ESLint for now.


Public domain. See the UNLICENSE file.